The Only Two Reasons Narcissists Cheat

Unraveling Narcissistic Infidelity

Infidelity is a complex and painful experience, but when it comes to narcissists, the reasons behind their cheating are often rooted in distinct psychological motives. Unlike other individuals who might cheat due to dissatisfaction or emotional disconnection, narcissists are driven by two primary factors. Understanding these can offer valuable insights into their behavior and help those affected make sense of the betrayal. This article explores the two main reasons why narcissists cheat: the need for validation and the pursuit of power and control.

Part 1: The Need for Constant Validation

One of the most significant reasons narcissists cheat is their insatiable need for external validation. Narcissists have an underlying sense of insecurity, and despite their outward appearance of confidence and superiority, they rely heavily on others to affirm their worth. This need often becomes a driving force behind their infidelity.

1. Seeking External Affirmation

Narcissists constantly seek external sources of validation to maintain their self-esteem. While they might receive admiration and attention from their primary partner, this validation eventually becomes insufficient. They start to crave new sources of affirmation to feed their fragile ego. Engaging in affairs provides them with the thrill of being desired, admired, and valued by someone new, reinforcing their sense of self-worth.

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2. Avoiding Feelings of Emptiness

Narcissists often experience a profound sense of emptiness or boredom when they aren’t receiving constant attention. They may begin to feel restless, dissatisfied, or even resentful toward their partner when they feel their needs for validation aren’t being met. Cheating becomes a way to escape these feelings and fill the void with the excitement and novelty that come with a new romantic conquest.

3. Chasing the “Narcissistic Supply”

Narcissists thrive on what is known as “narcissistic supply,” a term that refers to the admiration, attention, and validation they receive from others. When their supply from their partner dwindles or becomes routine, they seek new sources to replenish it. Infidelity offers an opportunity to gain fresh admiration, allowing them to feel special and desired once more.

Part 2: The Pursuit of Power and Control

The second core reason narcissists cheat is their desire for power and control. Relationships for narcissists aren’t about mutual connection or love; they are about establishing dominance and maintaining a sense of superiority. Cheating allows them to exert control over their partner and reinforces their sense of power.

1. Establishing Dominance

Cheating provides narcissists with a way to assert dominance over their partner. By engaging in infidelity, they feel superior and in control, proving to themselves that they can manipulate others and get what they want. This behavior satisfies their need to feel powerful and reinforces their belief that they are exceptional and above the rules that govern typical relationships.

2. Testing Boundaries

Narcissists often test the limits of what they can get away with in relationships. Cheating is a way for them to push these boundaries, to see how much they can manipulate or deceive their partner without facing consequences. This thrill of testing boundaries feeds their sense of invincibility, further inflating their ego and sense of power.

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3. Maintaining the Upper Hand

By cheating, narcissists maintain the upper hand in the relationship, ensuring that their partner is always on edge, uncertain, and dependent on them. This imbalance of power is crucial for a narcissist, as it allows them to keep their partner in a state of emotional vulnerability, making them easier to manipulate and control.

Conclusion: Understanding the Narcissistic Motive for Cheating

Narcissists cheat primarily for two reasons: the need for constant validation and the pursuit of power and control. These driving forces stem from their deep-seated insecurities, fragile self-esteem, and desire to dominate others. While their infidelity is damaging and often leaves their partners feeling betrayed and confused, understanding the motives behind their actions can provide some clarity.

Recognizing these patterns can help individuals in relationships with narcissists make informed decisions about their future, whether that means setting boundaries, seeking support, or ultimately choosing to walk away from a toxic dynamic.

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