If you live with a narcissistic pervert, your life is complicated. You have tried many times to break this narcissistic relationship and you know that it is very difficult.
Just when you think you’re finally ready and determined to leave, or just know you have to escape, the narcissist messes with your emotions.
He uses guilt, intimidation, or blackmail tactics or looks you in the eyes and tells you exactly the words you want to hear. You think you’ve reached the point where “I’ve had enough!”
However, before you know it, the narcissist has figured out a way to push your buttons and reconnect.
This person will always find something that will keep you addicted.
She knows your weaknesses intimately. After all, you are the prey, you are the source of the narcissistic supply.
This person likes to know that you are caught in his web and that you will get attached to the idea of facing further abuse, and he knows exactly how to make sure of that.
What is a narcissistic pervert?
A narcissistic pervert is a manipulative person who is constantly working on his manipulation techniques.
And he’s still in predator mode. He is very rational and strategic and has his emotional intelligence buried within him.
This masked prince charming is very practical about the steps he takes to seduce and exploit his prey.
He exploits and destroys the people he meets and whom he sees fit to get close to in order to compensate for his discomfort.
The deviant narcissistic manipulator is a separate person, according to psychologists.
His behavior is due to painful dissociation. This person has actually experienced trauma and had a difficult childhood.
This trauma caused him to continue staying there, separating from his body.
He is therefore a person who completely denies his body, his feelings, emotions, and basic needs, and also denies his mind and creative thought, which involves psychological conflicts and questions.
The narcissistic deviant operates automatically without empathy for others and never doubts himself.
What are the narcissist’s intentions?
The truth is, you are dealing with the greatest combination of physiological and emotional dependence you can imagine.
You’re hooked on a master manipulator who knows every move to keep you stuck, at least emotionally, if not physically.
Even if this narcissistic person decides to cut you out of his life, the last thing he wants is for you to move on and live a good life without him. It is the ultimate insult to the narcissist.
The person who follows the narcissistic perversion wants to believe that you are weak, that you are dependent and that you are a complete wreck.
Unfortunately, this is the case for most people who break up with narcissists.
In order for a narcissist to live a mirage of high self-esteem, he will attack your weaknesses, your emotions. This is where you will be out of phase if you are not prepared.
It is important to know what you must do to take responsibility before leaving the narcissist, in order to facilitate the separation process.
First, this preparation must take place on an emotional level.
The emotional state you find yourself in when you leave a narcissistic pervert is a good indicator of how well you will be able to recover and how long it will take.
The inability to bounce back is a very real phenomenon after leaving a toxic relationship.
When you’re stuck fighting a narcissist, you’re in survival mode, and somehow this keeps you alive.
When should you move forward?
Some people with a narcissistic personality can also be verbally or emotionally abusive. Here are some signs of an abusive relationship:
- Insults and insults
- Condescension and public insult
- Yelling and threats
- A crisis of jealousy and accusations
Other warning signs to watch out for when someone is harassing you:
- Blames you for any mistakes
Monitor your movements or try to isolate yourself
- She asks you how you feel or what you would like to feel
He projects his mistakes onto you on a regular basis
- Denies things that are obvious to you or tries to enlighten you
- He underestimates your opinions and needs
But when is it time to throw in the towel? Any relationship has its ups and downs, right? While this is true, it is generally best to leave the relationship if:
- You are a victim of verbal or emotional violence
- You feel that you are being manipulated and controlled
- You have been physically abused or feel threatened
- You feel isolated
- A person with a narcissistic personality shows signs of mental illness or addiction, but does not receive help
- Your mental or physical health has been affected
25 Tips for quitting a narcissistic pervert
As long as you are under their spell, the narcissistic pervert has control over you.
To become independent, you must educate yourself. Come out of denial to see reality as it is. Information is power.
Read about narcissism and abuse on social media. If you’re not sure you want to leave, take action.
You can chat with the person to improve your relationship and evaluate whether they can be saved.
Whatever you decide, it is important for your mental health to work on your independence and self-esteem.
In fact, this person will have succeeded in conveying his or her annoyance and shaking you to generate distrust in you.
If you are in this configuration, follow these steps:
- Join a support group, make an appointment with a therapist, and have trusted friends
Avoid the manipulative people around you, those who despite themselves find themselves on his side. The narcissistic pervert has the art of manipulating those close to his prey.
He knows how to make himself indispensable in the lives of people who influence his soul mate.
This makes it easier to stress the victim when situations are complicated.
He will shamelessly use current people and situations to blackmail the person he wants to control.
It’s sad, but these people close to you have no discernment and also contribute to your unhappiness.
A therapist or support group can also help with these complex cases.
- Check if there is a plotter on your device
Find out if your phone or other device has a plotter.
If your phone’s battery keeps dying, this is probably a sign that you’re being watched.
If you’re logged into your Kindle and it says this book was last read on someone else’s computer yesterday, it means someone is spying on what you’re doing.
Try to check that no drawing device is added to your device because this type of person is ready for anything.
- Narcissistic deviance and rupture: He becomes more independent
Create a life outside your relationship that includes friends, hobbies, work, and other interests.
Whether you stay or leave, you need a fulfilling life to complete or replace your relationship.
Narcissistic perverts are abusers. They want to isolate you from your family and friends.
So, maybe you haven’t seen some close people for a very long time. The narcissistic pervert may have turned your head against him by spreading rumors.
Maybe he used lies because he didn’t want you to spend any more time with someone else.