The Narcissist Parent and Grandparent Alienation

Grandparental alienation is a term used to describe a situation in which one parent of a child alienates the other parent, as well as cutting off contact with the grandparents on that side of the family. The narcissistic parent orchestrates this alienation of the grandparents in order to maintain complete control over their children and avoid any scrutiny of their upbringing from outside sources.

Grandparent isolation tactics used by the narcissistic parent can include prohibiting visits with the grandparents, refusing contact via phone calls or other means, or speaking negatively about the grandparent.

The effects of such behavior can be devastating to grandchildren, because it deprives them of the support, guidance, and love that a grandparent can provide.

This can leave grandchildren feeling disconnected and create lasting resentment between generations.

Tactics a narcissist uses to reinforce ancestral alienation

Grandparental alienation is a heartbreaking process resulting from the manipulation of a narcissistic parent.

In this section, we will delve into the various methods narcissistic parents use to reinforce grandparental isolation and push extended family members away from their children.


Blame shifting is a common tactic often used by narcissistic parents when trying to distance their children from their grandparents.

The parent will blame the estranged partner or grandparents for any problems that arise in the relationship, often without considering their contribution to creating or reinforcing a toxic situation.

Related : Divorce from a Narcissist: The Impact and How to Protect Yourself

This behavior distances the child from his grandfather, and also creates feelings of resentment and mistrust towards him.

As such, it may be difficult to repair these relationships after such betrayal.


Narcissistic parents often attempt to create an alliance with the child by manipulating the child’s emotions and positioning themselves as saviors of sorts in order to drive a wedge between the child and his or her grandparents.

This manipulation involves inducing negative emotions within the child, such as guilt or confusion, in order to weaken the bond with the grandparents.

The parent then positions himself as the child’s savior, presenting himself as a better source of love and support than his or her grandparents.

Mind manipulation

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation used by narcissistic parents to make their children question the reality of the situation surrounding their grandparents’ behavior.

The parent will attempt to distort facts or events in order to make the child believe that the grandparent is abusing or neglectful when in fact he is doing no such thing.

This is done in order for the parent to gain more control over the child and drive a wedge between them and their grandparents, allowing the narcissistic parent to maintain power within the relationship.

Emotional manipulation

Emotional manipulation is a common tactic used by a narcissistic parent to destroy relationships and reinforce the isolation of parents and grandparents to maintain tight control over their children.

This technique involves using guilt, shaming, and withholding love and affection until certain behaviors are followed, such as cutting off ancestors.

Guilt occurs when a parent tries to make their child feel guilty for engaging in behavior that does not meet their expectations or standards.

Likewise, shaming occurs when a parent seeks to humiliate a child in an attempt to force him or her into submission.

Isolation tactics

Narcissistic parents often try to isolate their children from outside influences such as extended family members.

They actively discourage contact with other family members, restricting their access to their home or life in general.

This allows parents to restrict access to their child’s life and restrict them from different perspectives.

Bribery and rewards

Narcissistic parents may also use bribery and rewards tactics in order to control the child’s behavior and attitude toward the grandparents, offering incentives if they comply with what they are asked to do.

The narcissistic parent will offer incentives, such as treats or treats, if their child refuses to interact with their grandparents.

By resorting to bribery, narcissistic parents control their children through manipulation rather than unconditional love.

How can grandparents cope with alienation from their grandchildren

In order to counter grandparental isolation, it is important for grandparents to maintain open communication with their grandchildren and extended family members.

This can include having meaningful conversations, checking in regularly, sending cards or letters, or participating in activities the child enjoys.

Grandparents should also provide emotional support and stay positive when communicating with the child.

It is also helpful for grandparents to remain patient and understanding during difficult conversations and to try to remain neutral if any conflicts arise between them and the parents.

Grandparents should also avoid putting pressure or trying to control the situation in any way, as this will only isolate themselves from the child.

Here are some helpful strategies to help cope with grandparental alienation caused by the actions of a narcissistic parent.

Keep communication open

It is important for grandparents to maintain open communication with their grandchildren and extended family members.

This could include checking in regularly, sending cards or letters, or participating in activities the child enjoys.

In addition to traditional communication strategies, it is also important for grandparents to stay up to date with modern technology and take advantage of ways to stay connected via the Internet and social media.

This can include communicating on platforms such as Skype, WhatsApp or other messaging services.

This can be done through private profiles, in order to protect privacy, both for themselves and for their grandchildren.

*Related : Breaking Free: Overcoming the Challenges of Malicious Parent Syndrome

Additionally, using video calls or other visual tools can help create a more meaningful connection between grandparents and grandchildren.

Provide emotional support

Grandparents should provide emotional support and stay positive when communicating with the child.

They should take into account the child’s emotional state and adjust their language as needed.

It is important that they are open to listening to the child and validating their feelings rather than trying to “fix” their emotions.

Grandparents should be patient during difficult conversations and try to remain neutral if any conflicts arise between the child and parent.

It is especially important that they be careful not to badmouth the narcissistic parent, even if they disagree with the parent’s actions.

This would create unnecessary tension between the grandparent and child and could cause further damage to their relationship.

Additionally, it is important for grandparents to provide reassurance and understanding to the child so they know that the grandparent is there for them even in a stressful or hostile environment.

Avoid pressure or control

Grandparents should strive to be supportive, not controlling.

They must avoid any efforts to pressure or manipulate the child in order to get what he wants.

In addition, negative criticism or unrealistic expectations of the child should be avoided as this can create further emotional distress for the child and deepen his distrust of adults.

Grandparents must realize that ultimately, all decisions should be left to the parent and that they can only provide emotional support.

It is important to remember that although grandparents may have a lot of experience raising children, they cannot substitute their own opinions for those of the parents.

Seek professional help

In extreme cases of isolation between grandparents and their grandchildren, professional help (legal and therapeutic) should be sought.

A trained therapist can provide helpful guidance and resources to both grandparents and parents on how to communicate best and manage the situation respectfully.

They can also offer strategies on how to maintain contact between grandparents and their grandchildren, even if there is tension between the parent and grandmother or grandfather.

It is important for grandparents to realize that they cannot fix this situation alone and that seeking professional help is essential to improving the relationship with their grandchildren.

Reach out to other affected family members

Grandparents should consider forming an alliance with other affected family members, such as siblings or aunts/uncles in order to prevent or reduce grandparental isolation fostered by the narcissist.

When communicating with these family members, grandparents should focus on cooperation and understanding between all parties. T

This will lead to more positive outcomes for all involved.

Furthermore, by uniting with other family members, grandparents may be able to create better communication channels with their grandchildren and their parents, which can help strengthen their relationship over time.

Final thoughts about the alienation of narcissists and grandparents

Grandparent alienation can be a very difficult situation, especially when it comes to a narcissistic person.

Although it is important to understand the underlying reasons for grandparents’ isolation and take practical steps to repair the relationship with the grandchild, it is also necessary to look out for one’s own well-being.

Narcissistic parents are often very manipulative and may use tactics such as guilt in order to maintain control.

In these situations, grandparents are advised to seek professional help in order to develop healthy coping strategies that enable them to protect themselves from further abuse and manipulation.

Additionally, reaching out to other affected family members can provide much-needed support during this difficult time.