The Narcissist Grandparent: Navigating a Complex Relationship

Grandparents are often seen as a source of love, wisdom, and support. However, when a grandparent is a narcissist, the dynamics can shift dramatically. Narcissistic grandparents tend to prioritize their own needs, often manipulating or controlling their grandchildren and adult children in ways that can harm family relationships. Understanding the traits and behaviors of a narcissistic grandparent is essential for preserving the well-being of everyone involved.

Traits of a Narcissistic Grandparent

Narcissistic personality traits typically include an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. These characteristics can manifest in many ways when the narcissist is in the role of a grandparent:

Control and Manipulation: Narcissistic grandparents often try to exert control over their children and grandchildren. This may come in the form of emotional manipulation, guilt-tripping, or undermining the parents’ authority.

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Using Grandchildren as Extensions of Themselves: Narcissists often see their grandchildren not as individuals but as extensions of their own identity. As a result, they may push their grandchildren into activities or behaviors that reflect well on them, seeking validation from the child’s successes.

Undermining Parental Authority: A narcissistic grandparent may attempt to undermine the decisions of the child’s parents, either by openly criticizing their parenting style or by bending the rules when alone with the grandchildren. This creates confusion and can disrupt the family structure.

Demanding Attention and Praise: Narcissistic grandparents often need constant admiration. They may require grandchildren to praise them, and in cases where they feel ignored or disrespected, they may react with anger or withdrawal.

Playing the Victim: If the narcissistic grandparent feels they are not receiving the attention or reverence they believe they deserve, they may play the victim, accusing their children or grandchildren of mistreating them. This can lead to family guilt and tension, further strengthening the narcissist’s control.

    The Impact on Grandchildren

    The influence of a narcissistic grandparent on their grandchildren can be profound. Children raised in close proximity to a narcissistic grandparent may experience emotional manipulation and confusion. They might be praised excessively one minute and harshly criticized the next, leading to issues with self-esteem and identity.

    Narcissistic grandparents can also create division between siblings or cousins by playing favorites, fostering jealousy and rivalry. Additionally, grandchildren may be used as tools in power struggles between the narcissist and other family members, placing them in the middle of adult conflicts.

    Strategies for Managing the Narcissist Grandparent

    Managing a relationship with a narcissistic grandparent can be challenging, but it is possible to set boundaries that protect both the children and the family unit. Here are some strategies that can help:

    Set Firm Boundaries: It is crucial to establish clear and consistent boundaries with a narcissistic grandparent. This may include limiting their time alone with grandchildren or being clear about respecting the parents’ decisions.

    Limit Emotional Influence: Recognize when the narcissistic grandparent is using emotional manipulation. Teach children how to spot these tactics as they grow older, and ensure that they feel secure in expressing their own feelings without fear of judgment.

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    Stick to Consistent Rules: Make sure that house rules and expectations remain consistent, even when the narcissistic grandparent is present. This helps to reduce their ability to undermine your authority as a parent.

    Minimize Conflict in Front of Children: While it may be difficult, try to avoid open conflict with the narcissistic grandparent in front of the children. Instead, address issues in private to prevent children from feeling caught in the middle of family disputes.

    Seek Support: Dealing with a narcissistic grandparent can be emotionally draining. It’s important to have a support system—whether it’s a spouse, therapist, or friends—who can offer advice and emotional strength.

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      Protecting the Child’s Emotional Health

      In the long run, the most important goal is to protect the emotional health of the child. Open communication, emotional validation, and a strong parental presence can help counteract the negative influence of a narcissistic grandparent. Ensure that children understand that their worth is not based on the approval or disapproval of their grandparent and that they are valued for who they are, not how they make someone else feel.


      A narcissistic grandparent can complicate family dynamics in significant ways. Their need for control, attention, and validation can strain relationships and have a lasting impact on the emotional well-being of their grandchildren. However, with careful boundary-setting, emotional support, and consistent parenting, it is possible to mitigate the harmful effects of their narcissism and foster a healthier family environment. Understanding the nature of narcissism and learning strategies for managing the relationship are key steps in maintaining family harmony.

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