The Narcissist as a “Criminal”

Descriptive terms used when talking about criminals refer to them as aggressive, deceitful, and lawbreaking. In the mental health field, diagnostic labels change, but human nature remains the same.

In the past, psychopathy, sociopathy, and antisocial personality disorder were often used interchangeably. These terms referred to a person who lacked empathy and demonstrated a “pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (see the DSM-5 description of antisocial personality disorder).* These individuals are criminals—victims who rarely feel remorse.

People associate the term “narcissist” with an individual who has a grandiose opinion of himself, an insatiable need for admiration, and blames others rather than admitting personal flaws.

People with narcissistic personality disorder are “criminals” even if they are never caught. Their “sense of entitlement,” “unreasonable expectations,” and “lack of sensitivity to the rules of others” lead to harm to others. They manipulate and exploit people in their ongoing efforts to build themselves up. Their “contemptuous” and “impatient” behavior hurts others. The people who suffer the most are those closest to them. Spouses, children, and coworkers are crushed daily. To coexist peacefully, they must try to satisfy the narcissist’s insatiable psychological needs. A person who does not meet the narcissist’s expectations is likely to have a very unpleasant encounter. Anyone can become a victim—a waiter, a saleswoman, a receptionist—and bear the brunt of his contempt, superiority, and disdain.

One psychologist described his narcissistic client in the following way: “This is a man who is accustomed to doing what he wants regardless of what anyone else thinks or how his behavior affects others. “He admits that he is trying his best. He needs to be in control of all situations, and often does what he wants in blatant disregard for rules, other people’s perceptions, or the impact of his behavior on others. He challenges, threatens, or persuades others to achieve his goals.”

Never underestimate the damage that such a person can cause. A narcissist is a criminal who leaves a trail of harm in his wake.

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