The Most Bitter Love Lesson Her Toxic Partner Taught Her

Life is an unpredictable whirlwind of unexpected events.

Sometimes you end up counting your lucky stars, and other times you end up learning difficult but invaluable lessons.

Both situations are equally necessary in order to keep us grounded and realize that as much as you try to plan your life, it never works.

What is meant for you always finds you in the end, but not until you face some difficult dilemmas that made you the strong and courageous woman you are today.

The same applies to love.

We always take that leap of faith into the unknown, praying that it will take us somewhere new, magical, and safe.

Somewhere we won’t get hurt, we’ll show the deepest possible love and thrive.

But before you experience that special, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love, you usually go through some titanic hardship that rocks your world and makes you believe your soul has been crushed forever.

Fortunately, this is rarely the case, but the hardest lesson you probably learned seemed so harsh and devastating at the time, and now you’re grateful for it, because all it did was make you stronger and more resilient.

It always happens when you least expect it.

You radiate joy and content and feel like you’re on cloud nine most of the time.

Your man is showering you with love, affection, and kindness and you have never been happier.

It seems like things are too good to be true, but somehow it works and she wouldn’t dream of doing anything that would put them in danger.

Until this one thing happens. Until the man you feel happy because he crushes you with these five painful words…

“I no longer love you anymore”.

And one day, it stops.

I was surprised.

You don’t believe what you hear and you can’t accept it.

The guy who makes you feel like the happiest woman on earth suddenly decides he doesn’t love you anymore and what exactly are you supposed to do with that?

How are you supposed to react to hearing those soul-crushing words that effectively destroyed your hopes and dreams?

The man you planned your future with no longer considers you worthy of his attention, and no matter how painfully crushed you feel, this is your reality and it won’t change.

This is one of those things that will either break you or make you ten times stronger.

This is the moment when you decide that no matter how broken you are, you will not allow this, or him, to kill your spirit and crush your spirit.

You are faced with a brutal truth that cannot be avoided.

Yesterday, you were happy as could be, and today, your heart is broken and you don’t really feel like you can move forward.

How one person could cause you so much pain is beyond your comprehension… but unfortunately, it’s all too real right now.

You never thought this would happen to you, and even if it did, you were sure that this man was the last person who could do such a thing to you.

He was meant to be “your” one!

Like I said, heartbreak and pain always find you when you’re your happiest.

Life works weird that way, but to some extent, this is a wake-up call you didn’t even know you needed.

Recovering from that tough breakup that you never saw coming is a lesson you’ll never understand until you go through it.

It’s bitter, raw, and world-shattering.

One can’t truly understand it without surviving it first, and that’s exactly what I did.

You have survived and are in better shape than you ever thought you were capable of.

What is important to understand in situations like this is that it is never your fault.

You can love someone to the moon and back, and they can still decide that you’re not good enough.

You can go out of your way to do nice things for this person and they will still have the courage to leave you and go look for someone better.

This is not a reflection of who you are as a person. This does not define you, nor does it make you inadequate or not good enough. Remember that.

People will do all kinds of evil things and there’s nothing you can do to stop it except keep your head up and get out of the situation with dignity.

Never let them see you cry and never let them see how deeply they hurt you. It would probably only inflate their ego.

Go home, cry your eyes out, and leave everything behind.

Do whatever you need to to relieve your soul of this hurt and don’t feel like you need to be strong for anyone.

You deserve to go through this however you choose, as long as you decide you won’t let it affect you for the rest of your life.

Once your tears dry and your soul feels more at ease, rise above it and treat this lesson as the most important thing you will ever learn.

You deserve the world. You deserve a man who will not give up on you.

You deserve a man who knows how precious you are and would never dream of hurting you this much.

So, until such a man appears, do whatever it takes to get back to that healthy, happy place.

There are no rules about how to grieve. And when you finally return to your old self, you’ll be ready for the all-encompassing kind of love that will find you and sweep you away.

Because, just like pain, love always finds you when you’re about to let go.