The Hero Archetype: 11 Signs You Have This Fascinating Personality Type

The hero archetype is the most unique archetype. We can all name the character traits of the hero. They have to be brave and brave, defeat some terrible enemies, save the world and just be totally awesome.

The hero pervades books, films, myths and legends. This is because heroes often have an interesting story. They may have started out as a wizard or a rebel, but then circumstances forced them to change. This makes the hero one of the most interesting archetypes.

Archetype of the hero

“The main feat of the hero is the overcoming of the monster of darkness: it is the long-awaited and expected victory of consciousness over the unconscious.” Carl Young

Archetypes are distinct personalities with a particular set of personality traits. According to Carl Jung, there are 12 archetypes. These include the jester, the sage, the caregiver, and the ruler.

By grouping people into categories, we can instantly identify a specific type of personality. We have an insight into their personality, traits, weaknesses, and nature. In this article, I focus on the most popular archetype, the Champion.

11 signs indicate that you have a hero archetype character
Carl Jung created 12 archetypes. Although they are used by storytellers in literature and media, studies have shown that some traits are relevant to the hero archetype.

Conviction: Have the courage of your beliefs
Protective: You are concerned for the welfare of others
Empathy: You see things from many angles
Moral Integrity: You have a strong moral compass
Self-sacrifice: You put the needs of others before your own
Selfless: You risk your well-being for the sake of others
Courage: You are brave and face your fears
Designer: You don’t give up easily
Strength: You have a strong sense of what is right
Honesty: You have no hidden agendas
Inspiration: People look at you
Examples of the hero archetype in literature and films

Classic hero

A classic hero is exactly what you would expect a hero to be. These are the arrogant knights in shining armor. They rise to the challenge, defeat the villains, slay the dragon, rescue the damsel in distress, and recover the treasure.

Examples of a classic heroes: Westley from The Princess Bride, Luke Skywalker, and Harry Potter.


Superheroes are easy to identify. They have superpowers that come in handy when you are saving the world. Superheroes have become popular over the past few decades. Batman, Superman, and the Avengers have been reimagined to attract a new audience.

Examples of superheroes: Wonder Woman, Superman, Iron Man.

Hero every day

The everyday heroes are perhaps the most interesting. Usually, they are reluctantly pushed into the hero role. They don’t have the qualities of a hero but they rise to the challenge regardless.

The everyday hero doesn’t have super strength. However, they have a strong moral code. These are ordinary people who are forced to take a stand in exceptional circumstances.

Examples of everyday heroes: are Sarah Connor from The Terminator, Ellen Ripley from Alien, and Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit.

tragic hero

The tragic hero usually comes to crop up at the end of his story. He may make a series of wrong decisions that lead to his death, or he may have a personality flaw that contributes to his misfortune. We sympathize with tragic heroes because we can relate to their weaknesses or understand where they went wrong.

Examples of tragic heroes: Macbeth’s obsession with power, Michael Corleone’s gradual descent from morally bound son to godfather, and Anakin Skywalker’s journey to the dark side.

against the hero

Heroes’ enemies don’t have typical heroic traits. They are morally bankrupt, flawed, and a threat to society. Anti-heroes do the right things but for the wrong reasons. They may use illegal methods to achieve their goals.

Serial killer Dexter is a great example. It only kills criminals, and although killing is wrong on any level, part of us enjoys the punishment. However, to cover his tracks, he ends up killing innocent people.

Examples of heroes: Walter White from Breaking Bad, Lisbeth Salander from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Captain Jack Sparrow.


The heroes of the epic are scattered in myths and legends. They may possess great strength or superhuman courage. They will have a mission or heroic deed to perform. Imagine Spartacus or Charlton Heston in Ben Hur.

Examples of epic heroes: King Arthur, Gladiator Maximus, Jason, and the Argonauts.

Archetype of the hero in the brand

Not only are archetypes an interesting tool for writers, but they are also useful in advertising. Prototypes are known worldwide, so they help get your message across quickly and efficiently.

The book Archetypes in Branding suggests that we can divide the hero archetype into four categories:


Brands that use the warrior model want to appear fearless, bold, and brave. These are the winners in life, the types to risk it all and do it anyway.

Examples: Nike – “Just Do It”, Royal Marines


The athlete’s archetype is determined and focused on the goal. The athletes are the best in their field. They are the Olympians who work hard to make their dreams come true.

Example: Adidas – “Impossible is nothing”


Qualities of a rescuer hero are courage and concern for others in need. He puts the weak and weak rescuers in front of them. This is a sympathetic predilection for the hero archetype.

Example: the Red Cross


Liberators are freedom fighters. They provide a voice, product, or service to many. Editors should not be confused with chaos or irresponsibility.


Do you consider yourself an archetype of the hero from the above descriptions? Even if you have come to realize that you are not the hero, understanding the traits of the hero archetype enriches the narratives of films, books, and plays.