The Empath and The Narcissist: The Brutal Reality Of Their Toxic Relationship

You may have come across the terms “empath,” “narcissist,” and their “toxic relationship.” But what do the terms “empath” and “narcissist” really mean and what is the truth about their relationship?

Empaths and specific narcissists

Empaths refer to people who are highly sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. They put the needs of others before their own, and are motivated by an inherent desire to help and heal humanity.

The term “narcissists” refers to people who have a high sense of self. They put their needs first and are motivated by their own self-interest and ego-driven desires.

Narcissists are not born but are made out of certain difficult circumstances they encountered during their childhood or youth. Their emotions were not perfectly shared in their early years and thus they grew up with a lot of emotional pain and instability. They try to cover up the pain by creating a high sense of self and seeking outside validation and attention.

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The truth about the toxic relationship between an empath and a narcissist

Empaths and narcissists are attracted to each other because they mirror each other’s shadow sides. They unconsciously project their dark sides and deepest fears onto each other.

Empaths do not know that they have a fear of rejection, loss, or abandonment. They try to cover up this fear by offering love and support to everyone around them but they don’t know that the solution is to face their fears and love themselves before they try to save others.

Empaths lack boundaries and subconsciously look to narcissists to set boundaries for them.

Empaths need to detach a bit from their emotions and learn emotional independence before they can have healthy relationships. Until they practice self-love or learn to create strong boundaries, they will continue to attract narcissists into their lives.

Narcissists struggle with a fear of commitment, emotional attachment, and vulnerability. They didn’t get any emotional validation in their childhood and don’t know how to handle their emotions properly so they rely on empaths to live out their emotional intensity.

They believe that embracing their vulnerability and emotions will only make them weak and cause them more pain until they separate themselves from any emotions or sympathies. They only live outside to feed their great sense of self. They must learn to be responsible by allowing themselves to fully feel their feelings before they can have healthy relationships.

How to end the toxic cycle

For abusive and codependent relationships to work, there must be an imbalance in both parties involved. If the abused refuses the abuse and simply walks away, the abuse will stop.

The first step to ending a toxic cycle is recognizing and acknowledging that the relationship dynamic is unhealthy.

Empaths can extricate themselves from a toxic relationship dynamic if they become self-aware, embrace their shadow side, and practice healthy boundaries. If you are an empath, you need to learn to detach emotionally a bit so that you can see people’s true intentions and the narcissist can be recognized when you encounter one.

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Here are 5 types of narcissists you might encounter by chance:

1) The self-pitying narcissist.
Not all narcissists are outward and boastful. Some are reserved and keep to themselves. They feel they are not good enough for anything. They are constantly fighting with fear and insecurity. They wallow in self-pity and self-loathing and look for external validation to feel good.

2) the hero.
On the other side of the spectrum are those who consider themselves heroes and superheroes. They have a great sense of self and believe they are above everyone else. They have a sense of entitlement and feel that everyone around them should appreciate and acknowledge their superiority.

3) The best partner.
They are the ones who will shower you with love and affection until you lose yourself in their world. It is generally known as the “love bombing” technique where they shower you with love and affection in the early stages of a relationship to impress you.

But as soon as you stop giving in to their demands or they get bored, they simply pack their bags and go. The love and concern they expressed was never real, it was just their way of getting what they wanted.

4) The arrogant.
They are the type who never see anything beyond themselves. They will constantly brag about themselves and their accomplishments.

Related: Why Grieving The End Of A Toxic Relationship Is Totally Normal

5) Discord.
They are the types that will interest you through their social image. They will come across as community workers or community caregivers but what they do is not really selfless, they always want something in return for their kindness.

As an empathic person, these tips will help you avoid getting into a toxic relationship with a narcissist in the first place, but if you are already in one, the best way to get out of a toxic relationship is to simply go out without any pre-existing relationships. notice or discussion.

Narcissists are very charming people and good at manipulating, if you give them a chance to discuss things, they will end up flattering you with their apologies and tricks. Don’t fall into this trap. It is important for you to realize that charity begins at home and that you need to practice self-love and setting boundaries before trying to mend every broken soul in the world.