The Depressed Narcissist and the Neglected Link between Depression and Narcissism

There are circumstances and situations that society often ignores. We often overlook the depressed narcissist, sometimes out of fear.
Many of us are familiar with narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder, but how well do we know depressed narcissists?

Well, you might be fickle about it and choose to stick the other cheek out of fear. But even though the narcissist has caused us a great deal of harm and harm, we cannot forget the reality of how this personality distortion works.

What is a depressed narcissist?

Most of us know and understand the basic definition of narcissism, right? Well, unfortunately, we have neglected to understand the depressed narcissist, which can be worse in many ways. Things like bipolar disorder and depression can make narcissistic personality disorder worse. Here are some facts about the depressed narcissist to help you understand.

  1. Dysphoria
    There is something you may not know about narcissists. They suffer from dysphoria, feelings of hopelessness, and worthlessness. You may not be able to see these symptoms, but they are there. Narcissists try very hard to convince others of their superiority, which sometimes shows their shortcomings. When this happens, they notice the disorder and it leads them into depression.

It is very difficult for those with narcissistic personality disorder to accept that others see their flaws. When this happens, they may criticize others and try harder to put others down. When you notice their mistakes, sometimes it’s best not to let you see the truth. Otherwise, you will be dealing with an even harsher degree of narcissism.

  1. Loss of narcissistic presentation
    A narcissist thrives on praise and attention, as you may already know. They see themselves as superior to others, even though this is just a facade. When people begin to realize the true colors of the narcissistic personality, they tend to let go or limit their time with the narcissist, and he notices right away.

When a narcissist loses what he or she has of attention and praise, it can spiral into depression. This is because it is very difficult for them to feel self-worth and to be true to themselves. This goes back to their problems with dysarthria.

  1. Self-directed aggression
    When a narcissist is experiencing a loss of supply, as mentioned above, he or she will sometimes become angry before falling into depression. This is because they are angry with themselves for not being able to make things happen on their own.

Their anger will be directed at themselves but will deflect toward anyone who opposes them. It is used as a survival tactic. The narcissist feels like he is dying from a lack of attention or praise, and that makes him desperate, too.

  1. Self-punishment
    Narcissists don’t hate anyone more than themselves. Although it seems that all their anger and abuse is directed toward loved ones and friends, it is not. Narcissists hate that they need constant attention and praise, they hate that they are empty, and they crave the feeling of being normal like everyone else.

The problem is, their pride is alive and well, and they won’t let them admit how screwed up they are. This is one of the reasons so many narcissists resort to substance abuse and suicide. They become so depressed that they are trapped in their void.

Strangely enough, despite the attention and praise they seek when depressed, they resort to solitude before they dare to ask for help.

The journey from euphoria to dysphonia

The narcissist starts as a superior individual. To others, they are the most charismatic, excelling in both their work and their relationships. To someone who doesn’t know about narcissism, they might even seem superhuman or god-like. For a long time, unsuspecting narcissists’ victims will be wined and dined and treated like royalty.

Eventually, cracks will begin to appear on the perfect exterior. By the time the flaws begin to show, the object of the narcissist’s affection will be deeply involved. Every negativity that develops will severely damage the “victim” mentality. Over time, most of these “victims” will run away, leaving the narcissist without supplies for their needs.

Sometimes, narcissists let go, and in this case, they may not suffer the consequences of being a depressed narcissist. If not, when the “victim” escapes from the narcissist’s web, losing the show will do him a disservice. This is how a depressed narcissist is born, and the journey from euphoria to dysphoria is complete.

Narcissism and narcissistic depression

With this knowledge, whether you are a “victim” or if you suffer from narcissism, you must educate yourself. Then, as you begin to understand the facts about these disorders, share your knowledge.