The Communal Narcissist: A New Kind of Narcissist?

Narcissism is a personality trait that exists across a spectrum, and while the classic narcissist is often associated with grandiosity, entitlement, and a lack of empathy, there is increasing recognition of a subtype known as the “communal narcissist.” This article explores the concept of communal narcissists, their characteristics, and how they differ from other narcissistic subtypes.

Definition of sectarian narcissism:

The communal narcissist is a subtype of narcissism characterized by an exaggerated focus on appearing generous, caring, and helpful to others. Unlike typical narcissists who seek admiration and recognition for their accomplishments and superiority, communal narcissists seek validation through their altruism and selflessness.

Main characteristics of communal narcissists:

Altruistic Facade: Societal narcissists often present themselves as selfless and altruistic individuals, claiming to prioritize the well-being of others over their own interests.

Martyr complex: They may adopt a martyr-like role, portraying themselves as victims of their excessive generosity, and often suggesting that others take advantage of their kindness.

Public displays of benevolence: Societal narcissists are likely to engage in public benevolence, volunteer work, or charitable work, seeking recognition for their altruistic actions.

Selective Empathy: Although they may appear compassionate on the outside, their compassion is often selective, directed toward those who can validate their selfless image.

Need for Admiration: Like other narcissistic subtypes, societal narcissists have a deep need for admiration, but they seek it through their role as caregivers and helpers.

Differences from classic narcissists:

Classic narcissists prioritize their own achievements and superiority, and seek admiration for their talents, appearance, or accomplishments. Societal narcissists, on the other hand, seek validation through their selfless actions.

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Classic narcissists often lack empathy completely, while communal narcissists may appear sympathetic but with a self-serving agenda.

Potential damage in relationships:

While communal narcissists may appear virtuous and caring, their behavior can damage relationships:

Manipulation: They may use their altruism as a tool to manipulate, gain control, or sympathy from others.

Conditional Care: Their care and generosity may come with conditions, and they may withdraw support if they feel unappreciated.

Conflict Avoidance: Collective narcissists may avoid conflict at all costs, suppressing their needs or fears, leading to unresolved problems in relationships.


The concept of the communal narcissist highlights the diverse ways in which narcissism can manifest. While their behaviors may seem selfless, it is important to realize that their primary motivation is often driven by a need for validation and admiration. Understanding the nuances of this subtype can help individuals navigate relationships and set healthy boundaries when interacting with societal narcissists.