The Brutal Truth About What Life After Divorce From A Narcissist Is Really Like

When you divorce and are free from a narcissist, will your life be the same as it was before? Can you really get over the narcissistic abuse your ex inflicts on you?

There was a time when Aristotle believed that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and that all luminous planetary bodies revolved around us earthlings.

The narcissist has a similar attitude about his place in the universe. And anyone who is married or married to a woman knows this firsthand.

Related: 12 Types Of Selfies That Basically Tell The World You’re A Narcissist

Those who haven’t been able to go on “till death do us part” know that even life after divorce from a narcissist is no picnic.

Narcissists are, frankly, exhausting. You can never give enough, be enough, do enough, or flatter enough to satisfy their inflated sense of self.

They need the world to revolve around them, to see them as the biggest and brightest stars, and to praise them accordingly.

Therefore, it is understandable how narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder can be problematic in a relationship dynamic that needs equality, cooperation, and empathy in order to succeed.

If any entity in a marriage has the right to be narcissistic, it is the marriage itself, not the individuals.

If you’re trying to live your life after divorce from a narcissist, you already know how defeated it feels to be married to a narcissist.

But, if you’re in the midst of a breakup or divorce, you may have a rude awakening to your ex’s manipulative skills. You may also wonder if they will be able to prevent divorce altogether.

Before jumping into the realities of life after divorce from a narcissist, it’s helpful to summarize the defining traits of this selfish personality.

  1. They expect attention and praise… all the time
    They are, after all, entitled to it. When they don’t understand this, they can quickly become hostile or aggressive.
  1. They lack empathy
    The only feelings that matter are their own. Don’t expect them to walk a mile in your shoes any time soon.
  2. They lack accountability
    They take all the credit for what goes right and blame what goes wrong. Every failure, mishap, or disagreement is always someone else’s fault.
  3. They demand perfection
    They think they’re perfect, and they expect everyone else to be too… but on their terms, of course.
  4. They are bullies
    We all know that beneath that bully exterior lies a molten inferiority complex. They belittle and intimidate as a defense mechanism – anything to distance others from the truth of who they are.
  5. They don’t listen or care
    There is one opinion and one way: their opinion. A person with a narcissistic personality doesn’t have time to be bothered by other people’s meaningless bullshit, so they will interrupt them and take the stage.
  6. Unable to have emotional intimacy
    Don’t expect weakness, empathy, compassion, compromise, or any other relationship-building qualities.

Related: 3 Disturbing PTSD Symptoms That Surface In Victims Of Narcissistic Abuse

With a list like this, you might wonder how someone could be so gullible to marry a narcissist.

But narcissists can be very charming, painting a big, dreamy picture of all life’s possibilities with them. The danger comes when someone else takes a position, expresses a different opinion or need, or stops the flow of compliments.

Life after divorce from a narcissist is not necessarily different than it was before divorce – at least as far as the narcissist is concerned. The what, where and when may change, but the how remains the same.

The narcissist will not see the error of his ways, let alone care about its consequences.

But you may be surprised to discover that getting your life back after divorce from a narcissist is a hard-won achievement. You can learn how to move forward.

Here are 6 harsh truths that may define your life after divorce from a narcissist.

  1. You may still be confused and paralyzed
    Narcissists are adept at using criticism, mood swings, gaslighting, and double standards to extort their energy needs.

They know how to hide behind a charming public image to make you look like a crazy person.

  1. Maybe you still doubt yourself
    It is normal to continue to question your reality, your judgment, and your ability to recognize the enemy again.

Narcissists operate maliciously. They destroy your confidence, convictions, and self-esteem, one insult, denial, and lie at a time. Don’t be surprised if you don’t trust yourself to “do life” on your own yet.

  1. Your ex won’t change
    Just because you are no longer married does not mean that life after divorce from a narcissist will be complete freedom.

Narcissists never stop hungering for power, control, and self-gratification. So don’t be surprised if your ex tries to bring you down by making threats, sending abusive emails, or spreading lies about you.

  1. Your ex will not disappear from your life
    Especially if you have children together, you and your narcissistic ex will still be in each other’s lives. You will need to have very clear boundaries, document everything, and have a reliable support system.

The narcissist is not above tactics such as ignoring court orders or making false accusations. Remember that they are energy vampires and your divorce has deprived you of an immediate blood supply.

Creating chaos in your life (and even your children’s lives) is just another way to conserve the energy of self-absorption.

  1. It may take some time for you to be able to defend yourself
    Until now, you couldn’t say no or share your feelings without negative consequences. There’s nothing like ignoring, mocking, or yelling to shut someone down.