Do you know a woman who seems to love being a constant victim? Someone who blames everyone for her misery? Whether it’s your mother, your wife, your ex, your friend, or your relative, have you ever met a woman who seems to have somewhat lost her ability to get what she wants? If so then you are dealing with a depressed elderly female narcissist.
If you do, let me ask you a few questions.
First, is she of a certain age?
And if so… does she seem to have an exaggerated sense of her own self-importance?
And does she have a ridiculous right and does she require excessive attention and constant admiration from those around her?
Do you clearly think that she is more important than others, even if she claims otherwise?
Do you tend to overestimate her own accomplishments and/or talents?
Do you talk a lot about being famous, beautiful, or rich?
Do you think she might only be able to connect with people she considers special?
Is it hard to have a conversation with her that isn’t…well…about her?
Do you tend to take advantage of people and their kindness?
Is she the type of woman who seems to want special treatment above everyone else, and is she forgetful or doesn’t seem able to care about how people feel? Is she conceited, conceited, or conceited?
Do you always need to be the best and have the best of everything?
And what happens if you dare criticize her?
Does she get upset or angry when she doesn’t get what she wants, or when people don’t treat her better than they treat others?
Does she always seem to have problems in her personal relationships and friendships?
And despite the fact that she’s trying so hard to seem perfect and infallible, do you secretly think she might be secretly insecure or that she might be dealing with a lot of shame about herself?
If so, you may be dealing with a narcissistic older woman.
In fact, she may have found that she isn’t quite able to have the kind of narcissistic supply she used to. This can happen when one by one the narcissist’s family and friends have had enough, and they abandon them.
In some cases, the narcissist loses their ability to attract new supplies because they get older and lose their looks, or because they become so engrossed in themselves that they forget how to do the whole love bombing thing — or any combination of those things.
But the narcissist really needs this symptom to continue to exist, right? So what happens next? Do they become real people, or do they kind of lose it?
What is a collapsed narcissist?
When a narcissist can’t get over the narcissistic show, what do you expect? Some call it a narcissistic crisis or collapsed narcissism. Whatever the label, it’s a huge problem — and often, not only to narcissists, but also to the people around them.
For the record, let me define a depressed narcissist: It’s what you get when the narcissist stops being able to have the right amount and write down the narcissist’s supply. And the narcissistic supply is, in most cases, someone to help boost the narcissist’s self-esteem and self-esteem—the value as a human being. In essence, the devastated narcissist will feel as though he has been denied the supply he needs to exist — his proverbial life blood.
This leads to a narcissistic injury, and as the devastated narcissist writhes helplessly in the pain of not getting what they think they deserve (whether it’s achieving a big goal or just getting the admiration and praise they feel they rightly deserve), their whole world feels like they’re falling out of the blue. around them.
Psychology of the depressed female narcissist
When it comes to depressed narcissism, they will quickly find themselves losing their self-esteem and in many ways, their self-image almost erased. They begin to have low self-worth and self-doubt. They literally hate themselves so much that they project that self-loathing onto everyone else around them. So, since she thinks everyone “hates” her anyway, the narcissist might hate them, too. She sees no other choice.
There is no longer (or very little) social life for the devastated narcissist. People, narcissistic causes, are all fake and stupid anyway, so why bother dealing with anyone?
At this point, the female narcissist is practically living in constant attack mode, trying to force the people around her to give her the much-needed supplies to which she was once so accustomed.
She becomes hypersensitive and full of anger and hatred. She throws tantrums that would rival a two-year-old and is downright intolerant, disrespectful, and often violent in words and even actions towards the people around her.
The previously maintained façade of a nice/nice/simple/friendly person fades away and the true face of the narcissist is revealed – anger, ugliness, and a general disgust with humanity.
Female narcissists and the false self
Narcissists put up a facade or create a false self-image to the world. They want you to believe that they are superior and that they need to get the best of everything. Of course, covert narcissists put up a very different picture of their low self-esteem, which they really do, and they love to play the victim.
They may also appear to be completely altruistic, but they only do it to get attention, not to actually help anyone. Grandiose and covert narcissists present themselves differently, but both are manipulative, dangerous, and lack emotional and emotional empathy. All narcissists feed off the narcissistic supply they get from others who use, manipulate, and abuse it.
Narcissistic women are, in many ways, like these girls you hear about. They do what they can to make their appearance flawless, and narcissists who become mothers manipulate and control their children. Their children quickly join the ranks of their main sources of supply. This is why children of narcissistic mothers do not get to experience unconditional love growing up, and many have experienced physical or psychological abuse or both.
But what happens to these narcissists when they grow up? What do you think happens to them when their appearance changes and they end up with wrinkles? What happens to them when their offspring leave the nest? And maybe you don’t even go call them? And if she is divorced or a widow, how can she provide for her?
You can see that when the aging world of narcissism begins to unravel on her, she is in danger of unraveling.
Depressed narcissism at work: what to expect
While they are still unable to deal with any kind of blame, criticism, or perceived disrespect for themselves, they actively display their self-loathing to the people in their lives—or perhaps random targets such as people of different religions, races, or even political affiliations.
This is when the gloves pop off and the narcissist unleashes her blatant bigotry and petty ways. You will see that anyone who differs from the narcissist is quickly minimized and put into the “not good enough” box (to put it very mildly).
This also often happens when narcissists go out of their way to abuse their partners, whether physically, mentally, or otherwise. And yes, even narcissistic women will abuse their partners and anyone else who gets into their inner circle.
Certains narcissiques trichent excessivement ou jouent avec leur argent. Dans certains cas, c’est même pire que cela, mais nous n’aborderons pas tout cela aujourd’hui.
La perte d’approvisionnement narcissique conduit à des comportements défensifs, tels que l’ensemble du comportement “quitter ma famille et commencer une toute nouvelle vie” – où le narcissique fuit littéralement ce qu’il considère comme des scènes de ses propres échecs et tente de recommencer à nouveau.
Ils peuvent perdre non seulement leur principale source d’approvisionnement – un conjoint ou un partenaire – mais aussi leurs enfants, leurs amis et toute autre personne qui fournissait des fournitures.
Cela conduit à la dépression ultime et, souvent, à une dépression mentale dont ils ne se remettront peut-être jamais. Si vous considérez la personnalité narcissique comme une sorte de maison construite sur pilotis, imaginez que le manque d’approvisionnement narcissique est un vent fort qui fait s’effondrer la maison.