The 6 Most Common Reasons Why We Stay In Toxic Relationships

Why do we often find it difficult to leave a relationship that isn’t working anymore?

Not all relationships have to turn out the way you want them to.

Some relationships start well, go through highs and lows, and yet survive because the relationship has all the basic requirements – trust, communication, and respect.

Related: 10 Huge Things You Need To Know About Leaving A Toxic Relationship

However, due to several uncontrollable factors, both internal and external, the relationship may turn toxic.

A bad relationship has been dead for a long time, has no spark, is full of miscommunication, or sometimes a complete lack of communication, frequent conflicts, arguments, and an absence of empathy, respect, and understanding.

A relationship based on abuse and manipulation is the worst type of relationship.

But surprisingly, people keep delaying a relationship, even after knowing that it is not yielding any good results for either partner.

Some people will cross the miles to continue supporting an undeserving relationship in one way or another.

How far will you go to save the relationship from failure?

Bad relationships lead to self-destruction and sabotage and lead to ultimate suffering for both parties.

Even when there are so many opportunities available in the dating world, what makes someone stick with a bad relationship?

is this Love? Or is it a habit?

Let’s take a deeper look at what makes you cling to a bad relationship with all your heart and soul.

Related: How To Get Out Of Victim Mentality In A Toxic Relationship

Here are the six most common reasons we stay in toxic relationships:

  1. To avoid feeling lonely

Loneliness can make one feel like the end of the world.

It significantly reduces a person’s self-confidence and distorts their overall self-perception.

A person who has been in the grip of loneliness will never want to go back there.

Being in a committed relationship has a social connotation.

Some people believe that having a partner and being able to show them off increases your social status and reputation.

The mere physical presence of your partner, no matter how abusive, inconsiderate, or indifferent toward you they may be, can sometimes make you feel uncomfortable.

We are often reluctant to give up our “habit” towards this person.

The thought of waking up in the morning to an empty stomach can be anxiety-inducing for some.

It’s not because you love being with your partner so much.

Maybe it was best to just ignore each other right after you woke up, but it was simply because being alone for so long wasn’t the norm.

You want to make sure you don’t feel alone, lost, and unwanted.

  1. Low self-esteem

Working with low self-esteem is like fighting a battle within yourself every moment.

You always continue to question your value, your abilities, and what you bring to the relationship.

Low self-esteem tricks us into believing that we always deserve much less than what we get from a relationship because the importance we give ourselves is much less than the value we deserve.

These people tend to measure their worth based on whether or not they have a partner, whether or not the partner accepts them, values ​​them or not, or values ​​them or not.

When you have low self-esteem, you need constant validation and approval from someone.

And if that person is someone you love, it makes you feel valued and desired.

If you’re staying in a bad relationship that has nothing to offer you, ask yourself if you’re placing a value on yourself that you deserve.

When you start putting yourself on a higher pedestal, you’ll realize that there are countless reasons to get out of a relationship.

Related: 14 Signs You’re In Denial About How Your Toxic Relationship Is

  1. Interdependence

Codependent people suffer from relationship addiction, just as any addict would use substances to get that “high” feeling.

Unfortunately, when a person is overly emotionally dependent on their partner, they often have low self-esteem (back to point 2).

This is why they measure their self-worth about someone other than themselves.

Codependents usually respond more to external cues than internal needs.

They define themselves as being so involved with the other person that they often end up rejecting their perceptions, thoughts, and feelings unless they are validated and approved by someone else.

Leaving a relationship, even if it hurts them, inevitably becomes difficult for them, because each of their behaviors needs to be validated, reassured, and emotionally punished by their partner.

These people barely survive if they remain single.

  1. Comfort in familiarity and fear of uncertainty

Some relationships are just “better to fight a known devil than an unknown one.”

We justify to ourselves that we may get the best we can.

Fear of uncertainty prevents us from taking a leap of faith, moving toward a better opportunity, or stepping out of our comfort zone to embrace positive change.

Someone who is accustomed to the comfort, predictability, and warmth of routine may feel upset when exiting a relationship.

Who knows whether the next relationship they pursue will put them in a more difficult situation or not?

The fear of getting into a relationship worse than the current one makes them suffer in a dead relationship.

  1. Rejection and failure

What if they get rejected by the next person they try to be in a relationship with?

The fear of failure, after trying so hard, makes them try harder to repair the relationship.

Some people can’t fully accept the fact that their relationship is about to fail and they have to move out.

And even if they did, would they be able to invest in themselves, emotionally and physically, to the same degree they currently do?

All these questions make it difficult for them to rationally decide the fate of a troubled relationship.

  1. New investment of time and energy

The thing that worries people who can’t get out of a bad relationship is investing time and effort.

For them, it is a shameful event to break out of the relationship they have built for a long time.

Ending a relationship just because it is not going well is not their ideology.

They believe that sticking to the end, even if it deteriorates the emotional and psychological well-being of both partners, is the right attitude to hold on to.

But, believe me, the more you allow negativity to affect you, the more difficult it will be in the end.

If the relationship dies, you have to end it.

You must terminate it as soon as possible.

Related: 7 Definite Signs That You’re In A Toxic Relationship And Need To Leave Now