‘Social Ditching’: How To Use Social Distancing To End A Toxic Relationship

When you learned about the COVID-19 quarantine, was one of your first feelings that you wouldn’t have to spend time with your partner?

If so, you are very likely trapped in a toxic relationship. Perhaps the idea of ​​isolation due to the pandemic came to your mind.

If you find yourself in this unpredictable situation, the good news is that you can use social distancing to “throw away” your unhealthy relationship and start over.

Related: 14 Steps To Let Go Of A Toxic Relationship & Move On With Your Life

Your relationship may be on the right track.

Or perhaps it was unsatisfactory or unhealthy. Maybe you’ve been thinking about breaking up for a long time, but you haven’t been able to bring yourself to do it.

Or you’re in a place where you both know it’s not true, but you keep going back and forth for too long.

Are you involved in an affair with someone, and now you find yourself painfully alone while he or she is with their spouse?

Make good use of quarantine isolation.

Regardless of the reason, quarantining in your own spaces may help you make good and thoughtful use of this social distancing to decide whether you should stay in your unhappy relationship.

And if you decide it’s over, allow the supreme words of the World Health Organization and CDC to begin the process with forced separation called “social distancing.”

It is difficult to walk away from your ex and end the relationship forever. There are many reasons why you might be stuck in a bad relationship, but due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you can now get out of it.

Distance dilutes chemistry.

It’s hard to leave when the sex and chemistry are good (even when the relationship itself is bad). Love is often compared to addiction, and for good reason.

You often have a feeling similar to withdrawal that makes it difficult to stay away from your partner, even if he or she is emotionally unavailable or even abusive.

Look at this mandatory isolation as being in a detox facility.

Not being able to have sex will reduce the addictive hormones that make you feel like you “need” that person. Sex releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that activates the reward center in the brain.

Oxytocin, the bonding hormone, is also released during sex and general physical affection. This time of no contact will dilute the chemicals that help keep you attached to someone who isn’t a good fit for you.

Related: 8 Toxic TikTok Relationship Advice Trends You Really Shouldn’t Follow

Thanks to this quarantine, you are also out of your usual routine.

You know each other’s likes and dislikes and what makes each other tick. If you’ve been together for a while, there is comfort and a typical schedule for getting together.

Going to your favorite restaurants, watching Netflix, going out, etc. Now, it’s all gone! It’s just you two, doing your own thing, and figuring out a new normal.

You probably kept thinking things would get better with your toxic partner.

If it is now better for you to stay away from each other, there is no need to explain what that means. But if it doesn’t get better and you’ve been hoping it will for a while, now isn’t the chance to work on it.

Communicating via phone, text, or FaceTime probably won’t make things better. There is a greater opportunity for misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and misunderstanding.

The virus will disappear and life will be better one day. I know this because bubonic plague, smallpox, and cholera did it. But will this relationship improve? Probably not.

There is no real reason to fear loneliness.

Fear of loneliness and avoiding it at all costs is one of the worst justifications for not leaving a bad relationship. So, remember, you’re not alone, but so are most everyone else – or wish they were.

Spending continuous days at home with your family is miserable for many. Now, you can enjoy the joy of being alone and not feel rejected.

Being alone is forced upon you now. You are not alone because you are not loved. You’re on your own so you won’t get COVID-19.

It’s time to get creative and use social distancing as the perfect time to end a bad relationship. Even if your ex reaches out again to resume the relationship, as they often do, you won’t be able to see them anyway!

Courageously have one last conversation to confirm that you want to quarantine without them.

Get rid of the person who makes you unhappy and with whom you do not see a future. Take this unlikely opportunity to reduce the challenges that come with a breakup!

Try “social abandonment” and give them a coronavirus kiss!

Related: 7 Brave People Reveal How They Finally Left Their Incredibly Toxic Relationship