Relationship Strategies of the Smartest Narcissists

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find a specific article titled “Relationship Strategies for the Smartest Narcissists.” However, I can give you an overview of some common strategies that individuals with narcissistic traits may use in relationships. Keep in mind that not all narcissists are the same, and these strategies can vary from one individual to another:


This article explores some common relationship strategies used by individuals with narcissistic traits. Although not all narcissists are the same, many display patterns of behavior that revolve around their need for admiration, control, and self-validation.

  1. Idealism and love bombing:
    Narcissists often start their relationships idealistic, showering their partner with attention, affection, and praise. This “love bombing” phase can create a sense of euphoria and connection in the early stages of a relationship.
  2. The magic of manipulation:
    Narcissists can be very charming and charismatic, and use their social skills to win people over. They may present themselves as confident, accomplished, and interesting to attract admiration and validation.
  3. Gaslighting and emotional manipulation:
    Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used by some narcissists to make their partner question their perceptions, memories, and sanity. This can be a way to maintain control and undermine your partner’s self-confidence.
  4. Triangulation:
    Triangulation involves introducing a third person into a relationship or conflict to arouse jealousy, competition, or confusion. Narcissists may use this strategy to maintain a sense of power and control.
  5. Boundary violations:
    Narcissists may ignore personal boundaries, invade their partner’s privacy, or make decisions without consultation. This violation of boundaries can be a way to assert dominance.
  6. Currency devaluation and elimination:
    After the idealization stage, narcissists often move on to devaluing, criticizing and belittling their partner. Eventually, they may dump a partner when they don’t provide the desired level of admiration or validation.
  7. Hoover:
    Hoovering is a tactic in which a narcissist attempts to rekindle a relationship with an ex-partner after dumping them. They may use promises of change, apologies, manipulation to regain control, or narcissistic projection.

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Understanding these relationship strategies for individuals with narcissistic traits can be essential for those who may relate to these individuals. Recognizing these patterns can help individuals protect themselves, set healthy boundaries, and seek support when necessary to maintain their well-being in relationships with narcissistic individuals.