Relationship Strategies of the Smartest Narcissists

Narcissists come in many different forms, and some of the most insidious may be particularly skilled at maintaining relationships while manipulating others for their own gain. This article delves into the strategies that highly intelligent narcissists use in their interactions and relationships.


Introducing the topic of narcissism and the differences in intelligence and tactics among narcissists.
Highlighting the importance of understanding the strategies used by highly intelligent narcissists.

Charisma and intelligence of intelligent narcissists:

Discuss how highly intelligent narcissists can be charming, persuasive, and skilled at reading and manipulating people.
Explain to them that their intelligence often allows them to cover up their intelligence
Effectively narcissistic traits.

Selective weakness:

Describe how intelligent narcissists may strategically display vulnerability or self-doubt to gain sympathy and support from others.
Explain how this vulnerability could be a calculated tactic rather than real emotion.

Calculated empathy:

Explore the concept of calculated empathy, where highly intelligent narcissists may mimic empathy and understanding to manipulate others.
Discuss how they can be skilled at reading emotional cues and using them to their advantage.

Gaslighting Mastery:

It highlighted how highly intelligent narcissists are skilled at gaslighting, subtly distorting reality and making their victims question their own perceptions.
Provide examples of gaslighting tactics and their impact on victims.

Strategic love bombing:

Explain how highly intelligent narcissists may engage in strategic love bombing, showering their targets with affection and attention as a means of control.

Related : Why Narcissists Can Forget Their Own Bad Behavior

Discuss the contrast between initial love bombing and eventual devaluation.

Emotional intelligence and its control:

Explore the emotional intelligence of highly intelligent narcissists and how they can use it to manipulate and control others.
Discuss how they can strategically exploit emotional vulnerabilities.

Know and protect yourself:

Providing guidance on how to recognize the tactics of highly intelligent narcissists in relationships.
Encourage setting boundaries, seeking support, and practicing self-care when dealing with these individuals.


Summarize the strategies that highly intelligent narcissists use in relationships, emphasizing the importance of awareness and self-protection when dealing with them.
Encourage individuals to prioritize their emotional well-being and seek support in dealing with manipulative and cunning narcissists.