Relationship Strategies of the Smartest Narcissists

Narcissism, characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, an insatiable need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, manifests differently in individuals with high intelligence. Highly intelligent narcissists are often skilled at manipulating and controlling relationships with remarkable subtlety. In this article, we will explore the intricate relationship strategies employed by the smartest narcissists and offer insights into how to navigate such challenging relationships.

1. Intellectual Charisma

Highly intelligent narcissists often lead with their intellect. They employ their exceptional intelligence and wit to engage and captivate those around them. Their ability to engage people on intellectual levels can create a magnetic attraction and make individuals feel highly valued and intellectually stimulated.

2. Superiority Complex

One of the key strategies employed by smart narcissists is emphasizing their intellectual superiority. They may correct others incessantly, belittle them, or dismiss differing opinions. This tactic helps them maintain control and diminish the self-esteem of those around them, making it easier to manipulate and dominate relationships.

3. Emotional Exploitation

Smart narcissists are adept at exploiting the emotions of others for personal gain. They may feign vulnerability, play on empathy, or use emotional manipulation to achieve their objectives. Their deep understanding of emotions allows them to skillfully manipulate the emotional strings of those they interact with.

4. Strategic Vulnerability

At times, highly intelligent narcissists strategically display vulnerability. They might share personal struggles or past traumas to gain sympathy and elicit protective responses from their partners. However, this vulnerability is often a façade, aimed at achieving their own goals rather than genuine emotional connection.

5. Covert Manipulation

Rather than employing overt aggression, highly intelligent narcissists engage in covert forms of manipulation. They use passive-aggressive tactics, such as sarcasm, subtle criticism, or withdrawing affection, to control and undermine their partners.

6. Idealization and Devaluation

Smart narcissists often follow a pattern of idealization and devaluation in their relationships. Initially, they place their partners on a pedestal, showering them with attention and admiration. However, as time goes on, they may start criticizing and devaluing their partners, keeping them off balance and insecure.

7. Isolation

To maintain control over their relationships, highly intelligent narcissists may isolate their partners from friends and family. This isolation can make it harder for victims to seek support or perspective from outside sources and keeps them emotionally dependent on the narcissist.

8. Calculated Emotional Withdrawal

These narcissists are experts at emotional withdrawal as a means of control. They may withdraw affection or become distant as a way to manipulate their partners into meeting their demands or making amends for perceived wrongs.


Recognizing the relationship strategies employed by highly intelligent narcissists is crucial for protecting oneself in such interactions. These individuals can be exceptionally charming and manipulative, making it challenging to discern their true intentions. Setting and maintaining strong boundaries, seeking support from trusted friends or professionals, and practicing self-care are essential steps to navigate relationships with highly intelligent narcissists while safeguarding one’s mental and emotional well-being.