Quality Fiction Helps Us Learn to Read Other People’s Minds!

It seems that a good way to learn to read other people’s minds is… to delve into literature.

According to new American scientific research, reading good literary books helps people develop valuable cognitive and emotional empathy. These qualities facilitate the development of interpersonal relationships and thus help societies function better.

Researchers from the New School for Social Research in New York, led by social psychology professor Emanuele Castano, conducted five experiments to evaluate the impact of literature on readers’ ability to get the perspective of others and understand what they are thinking and feeling.

For research purposes, participants were given high-quality books from classic and more contemporary literature (Anton Chekhov, Charles Dickens, Don DeLillo), low-quality recent “bestsellers” (“Fifty Shades of Gray”), and other books. Literary works.

According to researchers, reading literary masterpieces improves readers’ empathy, that is, the ability that allows us in some way to read the thoughts of others or to be sensitive to the feelings and motives of those around us, unlike those who read other genres. From books.

Thus, high-quality literature, regardless of its specific content, seems to “open” the reader’s mind. It makes us more empathetic and understanding, which in turn may improve the quality of our romantic and friendly relationships.

It’s a very interesting result, because, on the one hand, we’ve always known that classical literature makes us better people. On the other hand, the typical bookworm is not usually associated with highly developed social skills.

This study is definitely great news for all the introverts, shy romantics, and nerds who have a passion for reading but think they lack social skills. guess what? After all, your favorite quiet activity can help you become more empathetic and learn how to connect with others!

In conclusion, the report notes that reading Fifty Shades of Gray may be entertaining (well, it’s a subjective statement – I guess it all depends on your book preferences), but it doesn’t help you dig deeper into hearts and minds. others the way Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” does.