Projective Identification: The Silent Narcissistic Abuse

Key Points

The ongoing projection of the parent’s unresolved feelings distorts the child’s reality.

Experiencing parental projective identification is like enduring a constant form of manipulation.

Reclaiming your reality involves self-reflection, validation, and reparenting.

In the world of narcissistic abuse, there is a more covert and less explored form known as “projective identification.” It is a psychological maneuver, a subtle but powerful tool often used by individuals with narcissistic tendencies.

Unlike more overt forms of abuse, parental projective identification operates at a subconscious level and has a profound impact on the recipient—the child of the narcissistic parent.

According to psychoanalytic thought, what makes projective identification different from “simple” projection is that projective identification combines elements of both projection and internal projection. The person projecting feelings, thoughts, or traits onto the recipient exerts a powerful psychological influence that prompts the recipient to internalize and identify with these projected elements.

This dual nature turns the recipient into an unwitting collaborator in the drama, inadvertently assuming the projected traits as their own. Not only is it a matter of one person projecting feelings outward, but it also links the projector and recipient into a shared emotional narrative, blurring the lines between self and other.

The experience of parental projective identification can be likened to enduring a deep and persistent form of manipulation throughout your life. The constant projection of your parents’ unresolved feelings, fears, or insecurities onto you creates a distorted reality where your own experiences are systematically invalidated. The result is an all-encompassing sense of confusion and self-doubt, akin to living in a constant state of manipulation.

Over time, you begin to internalize the false narrative, questioning the validity of your traumatic experiences. The insidious nature of this process exacerbates the trauma, as you begin to believe that you are the one who invented your trauma.

Thus, breaking free from this cycle requires acknowledging the manipulation and embarking on a journey toward reclaiming your narrative and trusting the validity of your own experiences.

Narcissistic Parents and Projective Identification

Narcissistic parents, by their characteristics, are often more likely to subject their children to projective identification.

According to self-psychologist Heinz Kohut, individuals with narcissistic traits have fragile self-structures and suffer from a lack of reflection and empathy as they grow up. Their self-esteem is fragile, so when they encounter aspects of themselves that they find undesirable or threatening, they resort to projecting them onto others.

Narcissists often use projection as a defense mechanism to get rid of parts of themselves that they don’t want to face. Parental projective identification goes a step further—it involves projecting and forcing the child to internalize and identify with these projections. The child becomes an emotional dumping ground for the narcissistic parent’s psychological material.

Imagine a scenario where a narcissistic parent uses projective identification to project their feelings of “self-loathing” onto you. In this psychological ballet, you find yourself wrapped in a cloak of self-loathing, believing that this loathing comes from you and not something your parents injected into you.

The subtlety of this form of narcissistic abuse lies in its unconscious nature. As the projector, your parent remains oblivious to their role as emotional choreographer, and you, as the unwitting recipient, are also unaware of the emotional script being imposed on you.

Rather than work on themselves through personal growth, therapy, or processing past hurts, they hand their emotional baggage over to you. They unconsciously resort to various tactics, from criticism to silent treatment or neglect, all to make you believe that their shame and self-loathing are somehow yours.

To add to the complexity, narcissistic parents may unknowingly replay their own childhood stories while raising you. This is like an unconscious replay button, making you feel the same way they did growing up—worthless, ashamed, and in constant fear of punishment. So, when they criticize you, ignore you, or show a lack of empathy, they are transferring their unwanted shame onto you, urging you to carry it around and absorb it as your emotional baggage.

So, it’s worth remembering that when they treat you like you’re inherently “bad,” stupid, a loser, or worthless for no good reason, they’re likely projecting parts of themselves onto you that they don’t like.

Simply put, projective identification is a form of abuse that occurs when a parent, such as a narcissist, is unable to confront their dark side. Instead of dealing directly with these unwanted parts, they use you as a dumping ground, saying, “I don’t want these feelings; take them.”

Healing from Projective Identification with Narcissistic Parents

If you suspect that you’ve been projectively identified with your parents and want to heal your fragmentation, you might consider some of the following practices:


Start by developing self-awareness. Pay attention to your feelings, thoughts, and reactions. Developing a deep understanding of your inner world allows you to distinguish between your true experiences and the projections imposed by the narcissistic abuser. Ultimately, you can identify the emotional baggage you are carrying that may not be authentically yours but has been projected onto you.


Submitting to projective identification can deeply distort your perception of yourself. As a result, you may begin to question your reality, wondering if you “made up” your abuse.

To heal from such narcissistic abuse, you may have to work on reclaiming your sense of reality, rejecting manipulation, and telling yourself that you “made things up.”

You can start keeping a journal to record instances of manipulation or projective identification. Write down your feelings, the events you remember, and any attempts to manipulate or distort your reality. This written record serves as tangible evidence of your experiences.

You can also share your experiences with trusted friends, family members, or a therapist. Seeking validation from those who genuinely support you can provide additional perspectives and reinforce the legitimacy of your reality.

If you choose to try therapy, try to pay attention to transference dynamics. The therapeutic relationship may mimic patterns from your early relationships, allowing you to explore and reframe these dynamics with the guidance of a skilled therapist.

Through reading or working with a professional, you may also learn about manipulation tactics and projective identification mechanisms. Understanding these psychological strategies enables you to recognize them in real-time, making it harder for the abuser to distort your reality.

Dealing with Shame Through Reparenting and Self-Care

Finally, you may want to work on addressing feelings of shame that may have been internalized through projective identification.

For someone who has experienced narcissistic abuse, the concept of “reparenting” can be very powerful. It means providing the care and support your inner child may be lacking. This may include positive self-talk, acknowledging your feelings without judgment, and practicing self-forgiveness. You can start by rediscovering and enjoying activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether you pursue a hobby, spend time in nature, or indulge in creative expression, these activities can help you reconnect with your authentic self.


Projective identification is a vicious form of narcissistic abuse that can leave a deep scar on your psyche. But here’s the upside: Once you recognize it’s happening, you’ve begun your healing journey.

As you reflect on your feelings, validate your experiences, and give yourself the care you may have missed, you’re building a path toward a better, brighter future. You’re not stuck in the painful labels others have placed on you. Instead, you’re becoming the powerful creator of your own story, filled with strength, confidence, and the promise of a more fulfilling, peaceful life.

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