Playing Favorites Gives a Narcissistic Co-Parent Control

Co-parenting with a narcissistic individual can be an exceptionally difficult and emotionally exhausting experience. One manipulation tactic that narcissistic parents may use is to play favorites among their children. This tactic can serve to exert control, create division, and cause emotional harm to both the children and the other parent involved. In this article, we will explore the impact of preference play by a narcissistic co-parent and offer strategies for coping and maintaining a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Understand favorite toys

The favorite game involves a narcissistic parent singling out one or more children for special treatment or attention while neglecting or mistreating the others. This behavior can create division between siblings and manipulate children to compete for the narcissist’s affection and approval.

Impact on children

Favorite play can have lasting emotional and psychological effects on the children involved. This may lead to feelings of inferiority, resentment, and sibling rivalry. Children who are favored may also suffer because they may feel pressure to maintain the approval of the narcissistic parent.

Control and manipulation

Narcissistic parents use favoritism as a tool to maintain control over the family dynamic. By pitting siblings against each other, they can keep the focus on themselves and maintain the upper hand in the co-parenting relationship.

Coping strategies and participation in parenting

If you find yourself co-caring for a narcissist’s preference, consider the following strategies:

Document Behavior: Keep a detailed record of the narcissistic parent’s actions and behaviors. These documents can be valuable in legal proceedings or when seeking professional help.

Seek Legal Counsel: Consult with a family law attorney to understand your rights and options. Legal intervention may be necessary to protect your children’s health.

Related : Stop Defending and Explaining Yourself to a Narcissist

Focus on communication: Maintain open and honest communication with your children. Encourage them to express their feelings and provide them with a safe space to discuss their experiences.

Providing emotional support: Provide emotional support and reassurance to your children. Let them know that their worth is not determined by the favoritism of the narcissistic parent.

Promote healthy sibling relationships: Encourage your children to build strong sibling bonds and support each other. Teach them the importance of unity and love within the family.

Therapeutic support: Consider engaging a therapist or family counselor to help your children overcome the emotional challenges posed by the narcissistic parent’s behavior.

Self-Care: Prioritize self-care for yourself and your children. Engage in activities that promote emotional well-being and resilience.


Dealing with a narcissistic co-parent who favors others can be emotionally challenging, but it is essential to protect your children’s well-being and maintain a healthy co-parenting relationship. By documenting the behavior, seeking legal advice when necessary, providing emotional support, and promoting healthy sibling relationships, you can help your children overcome the manipulation and division caused by a narcissistic parent. Remember that you are not alone, and seeking professional support and guidance can be helpful in creating a more stable and nurturing environment for your children.