People who love animals more than other people usually have these 8 special traits

In recent years, I’ve realized that I often prefer the company of animals to the company of humans.

I mean, animals don’t cause drama, they don’t get upset with you over stupid things, and they don’t talk about you behind your back. They offer you unconditional love and acceptance.

If you think about it, it’s not hard to understand why there are so many people like me who love animals more than they love people.

However, these individuals, who connect with animals in ways that go beyond words, also carry a set of heart-warming traits that set them apart from the rest.

So if you’ve ever wondered what makes animal lovers so big-hearted, you’re in for a heart-warming journey. Here are eight endearing traits that people who cherish animals above all else tend to possess.

1) Empathy

People who love animals more than their fellow humans often have a heightened sense of empathy, especially if they have pets themselves — research has found.

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, isn’t limited to human relationships. It can be even more evident in the way these individuals interact with animals.

For example, they may pick up on subtle signs of distress or joy in an animal more quickly than others, which is known as animal empathy. They can read a dog’s wagging tail or a cat’s purr as a clear communication of their feelings.

This deep understanding often extends to their interactions with people, too. They may be the ones to notice when you’re feeling down or need some companionship.

So if you feel understood and comforted by your animal-loving friend, it’s likely because they have high levels of empathy. Rest assured, it’s real and comes straight from the heart.

2) Patience

As someone who truly loves animals, I can tell you that it takes a lot of patience.

Take my dog ​​, Max, for example. When I first adopted him, he was fearful and distrustful of me. It took months of consistent behavior, gentle coaxing, and lots of treats to earn his trust.

People who love animals more than others often demonstrate this trait of patience.

They understand that building trust and bonding isn’t an overnight process. Whether it’s training a new puppy or waiting for a shy rescue to come out of his shell, they’re willing to put in the time and effort.

You’ll find that this patience isn’t limited to their animal companions. They tend to carry it into their human relationships as well, recognizing that everyone has their own pace and process.

3) Altruism

Those who love animals more than their human counterparts often exhibit a high degree of altruism. They’re more likely to show kindness and concern for others without expecting anything in return.

For animal lovers, the well-being of their furry friends often comes first.

They’re willing to go the extra mile, whether it’s through special diets, visiting the vet, or simply making sure their pets are happy and comfortable.

Did you know that in a study published in Scientific Reports, people with pets were found to exhibit more altruistic behavior toward all animals than non-pet owners? This shows how caring for animals can positively impact a person’s personality traits.

This altruistic nature isn’t limited to their pets. Often, it extends to their interactions with people as well, making them some of the most selfless individuals you’ll ever meet.

4) Observation

People who have a deeper love for animals than they do for humans tend to be incredibly observant.

Animals communicate primarily through body language, so understanding them requires paying close attention to their movements, sounds, and behaviors.

Animal lovers are often adept at this, picking up on the most subtle cues to decipher what their pets might be feeling or needing.

This observant nature often extends beyond their relationships with animals. You’ll find that they often notice small details that others might overlook, whether it’s a change in someone’s mood or a detail in a story that everyone else has missed.

So, if you ever feel like your animal-loving friend knows you better than you know yourself, it’s probably because they’ve been paying attention to you all along.

5) Unconditional Love

People who love animals more than they love people often understand the concept of unconditional love better than anyone else.

Animals, especially pets, give their love freely and without conditions. They don’t care about your job, your appearance, or your bank account. Their love is based solely on your presence and kindness.

Those who bond deeply with animals learn to give and receive this kind of love. They understand that love doesn’t need to be earned; it must be given freely and honestly.

This form of love isn’t just for their animal companions. It often extends to how they treat the people around them—with kindness, acceptance, and an open heart.

So, if you’re lucky enough to receive the love of someone who loves animals more than people, cherish it. It’s as real and pure as can be.

6) Resilience

Living with animals, especially those who may have experienced trauma or neglect, can be a difficult journey.

My cat, Whiskers, was a stray who had a rough start in life. The process of nursing her back to health and earning her trust was long and tiring.

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People who love animals, especially those involved in animal rescue, often demonstrate remarkable resilience. They recognize that setbacks and obstacles are part of the journey, but they are willing to face them head-on for the well-being of their animal companions.

This resilience often carries over into other aspects of their lives. They approach personal challenges with the same determination and perseverance they apply to caring for their animals.

7) Authenticity

People who prefer animals to people often have a high level of authenticity. They appreciate the direct nature of animals, who do not hide their feelings or intentions.

This appreciation often leads them to value authenticity in their own lives. They strive to be honest in their interactions and relationships, preferring authenticity over pretense.

You will rarely find these individuals putting on a facade or trying to be someone they are not. They are comfortable being themselves, flaws and all, just like their beloved animal companions.

So if you are looking for a true and honest friend, look no further than someone who loves animals more than people.

8) Empathy

In the heart of every person who loves animals more than people, you will find an immense amount of empathy.

They empathize with the struggles of animals, and will often go out of their way to help a stray or rescue an animal in need. They feel deeply for these creatures who cannot speak for themselves and often act as their advocates.

This empathy is not limited to animals. It is part of their identity and shapes their interactions with people and the world around them.

So if you meet someone who loves animals more than people, you know that you have met someone with an extraordinary capacity for empathy.

Final Thoughts: It’s a True Connection

The bond between humans and animals is a phenomenon that goes beyond mere companionship.

Scientific studies have shown that interacting with animals can lower a person’s levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increase their production of serotonin, often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone.

This biological response may explain why those who love animals more than people feel such profound connections. Their love for animals is not just a preference, but a potential physiological response that enhances their sense of well-being and joy.

By understanding the traits of animal lovers, we gain insight into the gentle and powerful ways that animal love can shape our world.

So the next time you meet someone who loves animals, remember these unique traits that bring warmth and understanding to those around them, both humans and animals.

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