People who lack integrity often display these 12 behaviors (without realizing it)

Have you ever met someone who never seems to do the right thing?

You know, that friend who only cares about himself or always does what he needs to do to get what he wants?
They may even get rid of their harmful behaviors or pretend like it’s no big deal.

But it is.

There is a reason they act this way over and over again.

It’s because they lack integrity.

People who lack integrity have little or no moral principles.

They don’t know or care what is right or wrong. For them, it’s all me, me, me.

Dealing with someone like this is frustrating. because…

1) They are not honest.
Above all, people who lack integrity do not have an honest bone in their bodies.

They have a habit of bending the truth or not telling the whole story.

You can never rely on them for accurate information because almost everything they say is half-truths or outright lies.

Building a healthy relationship with someone like this is basically impossible.

Related : 9 warning signs you’re in a relationship with a subtle guilt-tripper

Everything may be fine at first, but dishonest people are caught over time. When trust is broken, it is difficult to repair.

2) Unreliable.
Think of that friend who always cancels plans at the last minute or never shows up when you need them, even after promising to…

In most cases, this indicates a lack of integrity.

Reliability means being consistent and dependable. This is what people with high morals know.

Without it, people become unpredictable. It can be very frustrating when you don’t know if you can count on someone, especially when you need them most.

Unreliability also affects more than just plans.

If you work with someone who is unreliable, you cannot be sure that he will keep his word. This can put more pressure on you to catch up on things you’re falling behind on and create a tense atmosphere.

On a personal level, it can be difficult to feel safe and valued in a relationship if someone is always unstable.

Unreliability makes relationships bitter.

But don’t even think about confronting someone who lacks integrity in this matter.


3) They manipulate.
Besides honesty, people with integrity value ethical behavior. This includes being open and transparent.

People who don’t have integrity, well, they don’t care much.

If they can gain or achieve something by deceiving you or influencing you to be dishonest, they will do that too.

And also think about that person who is always trying to achieve what he wants by guilting others or distorting their words…

This type of manipulation can be very subtle, making it difficult to detect at first. But over time, you will begin to feel confused and uncertain about your thoughts and feelings.

Whoever manipulates this way is dangerous. For them, it’s about control, but in a subtle way.

Another common form of manipulation is playing the victim. Sure, people can be wronged. But can a person always get the short end?

When someone always plays the victim, there’s a good chance they’re messing with your head. If you start to doubt what you know to be the truth, that’s a big red flag.

Integrity is built on trustworthiness, and manipulation undermines that by relying on deception tactics, no matter what form it takes.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic of playing the victim, you can also spot someone who lacks integrity by the fact that…

4) They always shift blame.

When someone has integrity, they own up to their mistakes. Those who do not shirk responsibility and put the fault on others.

AKA, blame shifting.

Instead of admitting they made a mistake, they will find someone else to blame.

Blame shifting is a classic sign of a lack of integrity.

Not only does it annoy everyone around you who does this, it also prevents them from learning and growing.

Related : 6 ways to shut down a manipulator without losing your cool

Integrity means being honest and taking responsibility for good and evil.

5) They treat people unfairly.
Mistreating people is a big red flag that someone lacks integrity.

When they do this, they are essentially deciding who deserves respect and who doesn’t, based on random things like what a person wears, how they talk, or even who their friends are.

This is not just mean. It’s also very shallow.

People who lack integrity may believe they are getting ahead by belittling others.

But this is the truth:

True respect comes from treating others the way you want to be treated.

I know it’s a cliche, but it’s true.

However, a person with little integrity does not understand this. This is also why…

6) They bully and intimidate.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone tries to act big, using their words or even their presence to make others feel small?

This is intimidation and intimidation. This is a clear sign that there is a deficiency in the integrity department.

You see, bullies use their power – whether it’s physical strength, social status, or just being louder – to push others.

It’s as if in a game they think they’re scoring points by scaring or hurting someone.

7) They exploit loopholes.
A person who lacks integrity will not exactly cheat, but he will definitely break the rules.

They have a sneaky way of getting ahead without directly breaking the law or rules. But what they are doing is certainly still unacceptable.

Exploiting loopholes may make them feel smart, but in reality it’s like cutting corners.

It shows that they are the type of person willing to take the easy way out, even if it means harming others.

People with integrity focus on winning through hard work, creativity, and playing by the rules.

Those who lack it do not.

In addition to constantly searching for loopholes to exploit…

8) They misuse resources.
It’s not just about being greedy, people who lack integrity never think about the bigger picture.

They believe they are more important than anyone else and deserve everything.

Whether it’s using up all the milk in the office fridge or spending too much time on a shared computer in the classroom, it’s all about thinking about themselves first.

The misuse of resources is not just injustice. It also shows disrespect.

I’m not talking about minor bugs here, though. Sometimes people use too much stuff without realizing that they have to leave some for the next person.

But if someone lacks integrity, he or she will have a selfish attitude, be short-sighted, and not care about the impact of his greed on others.

9) They break confidentiality.

People who lack integrity have no problem breaking trust. When someone tells them something in confidence, they have no intention of keeping that information safe.

They do not respect others or their feelings. They didn’t care much about the consequences someone might face if what they shared went viral.

Breaking trust is a serious matter. Depending on the situation, people could get hurt, lose their jobs, or worse.

It’s not just the immediate drama it causes. There is always a ripple effect that can impact people’s lives in big ways.

Related : If someone is trying to manipulate you, they’ll display these 12 subtle behaviors

But the worst part? People who break trust often do so simply because…
10) They gossip and spread rumours.
And they love doing it – a lot!

You see, they want the drama to unfold. They don’t care if people get hurt. They like to break up friendships, destroy reputations, and even bully people.

When someone does this, it’s not just mean. Gossip shows a lack of consideration for the feelings of others.

And a clear lack of integrity.

11) They ignore the ethical implications.
Have you ever seen someone walk past a “Please Recycle” sign and throw a plastic bottle into the trash? It’s as if they see the rules but choose to ignore them.

This may seem silly and small, but it’s not.

People who do things like this aren’t just breaking small social rules. They ignore the big picture of what is right and wrong.

They appear to prefer comfort or personal gain over doing what is right.

When someone ignores the moral side of things, it’s not just about them. Their actions can hurt people, animals or even the planet.

It’s as if companies are polluting rivers to save money on waste disposal. They may save money, but at what cost to the environment and communities?

Most often, if someone is like this, there is also a very good chance that…

12) They lack transparency.
Whether it’s not telling the whole truth or keeping secrets about important things, a lack of transparency is another clear sign that someone doesn’t have integrity.

I’m not talking about the little things. Sometimes, it’s better to be nice than to be honest.

But when someone isn’t transparent about serious matters affecting others, it can turn into a big mess.

Besides sparking rumours, misunderstandings and unnecessary drama, a lack of transparency can hurt people.

Some large-scale stories exposing this have appeared in the news before. But we often don’t realize that the people right under our noses could be guilty of it too.

Having someone in your life who lacks integrity can wreak havoc on your mental health, which in turn may lead to physical symptoms due to stress or hurt.

You can try to have a calm conversation with them about their behaviors, but if they refuse to budge, don’t blame yourself.

Sometimes, creating distance between yourself and someone with toxic traits like these is the best thing you can do.