People who display these 15 behaviors in a relationship lack emotional maturity

Relationships are never perfect. Even true love has its ups and downs, and even two people who are deeply in love go through their problems.

But the least to ask is to have a self-aware and emotionally mature partner.

When this is not the case, it makes navigating difficult times even more difficult.

Here are the signs that you are with someone who lacks emotional maturity (as well as what to do about it).

1) closing

No one is in the mood to communicate and talk all the time.

But when you’re with someone who suddenly shuts down for no apparent reason or because of their problems, it can be very frustrating, to say the least.

What are you supposed to do now?

If you ask what’s wrong they’ll say you’re pushing them. If you don’t ask, they will often say that you are neglecting them.

It’s a kind of loss situation.

2) cutting

The next emotionally immature relationship habit is a refusal to listen.

This often manifests as him never remembering what you are saying or interrupting you as soon as you start talking.

If you are with someone who keeps cutting you off, it’s not just your imagination. They show a real lack of respect.

And it’s not so good.

3) defensive

Defensiveness is a classic sign of emotional immaturity in a relationship.

We all need to be able to take constructive criticism sometimes, like it or not.

When you’re dating someone who gets defensive even at the slightest criticism or issue that comes up it’s very confusing.

4) excessive sensitivity

Being overly sensitive can be a real problem in relationships, and if you’re with someone who takes every little problem as the end of the world it’s very frustrating.

This is life.

If you’re with someone who can’t handle it, what are you supposed to do? Protect them from every bump along the way like you’re their dad or something?

5) clinging

Being with a clingy person is tiring and sad.

You enjoy their attention, but their dependence on you is quite another matter.

It’s unattractive, for starters. It also makes you feel pressured to be there for them every time they make contact.

It seems that you can’t live your own life and have to be their constant companion on demand or something like that.

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“An emotionally immature person may have an excessive need for external verification and approval,” notes relationship expert Rachel Pace.

“They may rely too much on their partner for reassurance, seek constant verification of their worth, decisions, and actions.”

6) blaming

If you are with someone who blames others for a lot of their problems, it can be very frustrating.

They may be right about a lot of their criticism and you may agree and share these frustrations.

But being in a relationship with someone who is too focused on blame can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Are you joining their negative parade or trying to get them out of the blame game? It seems that both options are likely to lead to their own set of problems.

7) holding grudges

We all hold grudges sometimes, even in the short term.

But if you are with someone who is consumed by his grudges, it is very difficult to figure out what to do about it.

Are you pressuring them to get over it? Do you sympathize? Are you just trying to stay neutral and hopefully get over it?

There is often no clear answer, but bitter energy begins to eat into your relationship and poison the intimacy between you.

He may even start to feel that your partner cares more about getting someone back for what he did than about loving you.

8) jealousy

A little jealousy is a normal part of life, but being with someone who is extremely jealous is a bit much.

When the line crosses into possessiveness and they become suspicious or accusatory about you and your daily schedule, that’s when it’s toxic.

If you deny that you did anything wrong, it makes them more convinced of something…

If you try to ignore unjustified jealousy, they continue to increase envy.

This is a person who has to face down their own Green Monster.

9) impermanence

Another characteristic of those who are emotionally immature is impermanence.

One minute they’re up, the next they’re down.

It is not a mood disorder, it is a way of not having personal stability and integrity to maintain their behavior from moment to moment.

If they are hungry, they speak rudely and angrily to you. If they are happy to get the work done ahead of time, then you are treating them excessively and zealously.

It’s as if you are supposed to be a negative or encouraging vessel that emphasizes every mood that this person has and goes along with it.


10) emotional transformation

Emotional switching is another behavior in which emotionally immature people engage in relationships.

This is where they use you as a stand-in for someone else.

Instead of responding to you and interacting with you, you just become a recipient of their feelings and reactions to other people who are not there at the moment.

As WebMD explains]:

“Conversion is when someone redirects their feelings for someone to someone else.”

11) impulsiveness

Emotionally immature people are very impulsive in relationships.

This goes with their habits and lack of self-control, but it also applies to the way they see the relationship itself and you.

One moment they seem committed and really in love with you, the next they’re indifferent and uncommunicative. One moment they’re angry and rude, the next they’re all about some new hobby or interest and forget that they were even upset.

This has a lot to do with the following points as well…

12) emotional blackmail

Emotionally immature individuals have a very difficult time not getting their way.

If they want more influence, they will often resort to emotional blackmail.

This means that they will withhold affection or intimacy unless you do what they want, or punish you with anger and bitterness until you give up.

They will also do things like give people the cold shoulder or make them jealous as another form of emotional blackmail.

If it works, they’ll do it.

13) freeloading

It’s sad to see the free download, whether it’s a gold digger on the prowl or a bro on the couch with his video game controller.

When someone refuses to contribute at all to the relationship, it makes the whole thing even more difficult and tense.

The worst kind of emotionally immature people will use their partner’s financial well-being or a good job as an excuse:

“Well, my gf / bf has a decent job, so you don’t have to worry too much about the financial side of things.”

14) negativity

Emotional maturity sometimes requires playing an active role even when someone prefers to tune in.

An emotionally immature person may show a great deal of negativity.

Look for a lot of ignoring and” meh, whatever ” in every area of the relationship. They are not “goosebumps”, they just expect you to cope with everything.

15) dependence on others

Codependency is a toxic form of dependence on each other that is not love but can masquerade as love.

If you are with a dependent partner, he often portrays the role of a victim or Savior.

They are either deep in trouble and always need you to rescue them and save them, or they play the role of saving you and being the hero.

But whenever she does not get to play the desired role there is not much between the two of you. It’s like you’re not in love, you’re just in some kind of weird role-playing dependency.

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