When I think of psychopaths and narcissists, I conjure up a certain image. There’s the cold, manipulative psychopath and then the self-titled narcissist. For their lifestyles, psychopaths need power and control and narcissists crave admiration.
This is a basic summary of their personality traits that I know. However, there is an interesting relationship between these two personality disorders. Both lead a parasitic lifestyle.
Having said that, there are subtle differences between a parasitic psychopath and a parasitic narcissist. This is because psychopaths and narcissists have different needs. Although they both use other people, their parasitic behavior serves to satisfy a specific need within themselves.
Before delving into the psychology of their preferences, let’s first define the word parasite.
“A parasite is an organism that depends on another (the host) for its survival, often causing harm to the host.”
Live a parasitic lifestyle
Now, what interests me are all the ways in which a parasite can depend on a host and all the ways in which that dependence harms the host.
This is where those differences between a parasitic psychopath and a parasitic narcissist come into play.
Psychopaths and narcissists depend on other people to fulfill a need within themselves. But these needs are different, and as a result, the way you harm people is different.
A parasitic psychopath
If you want to know why a psychopath prefers a parasitic lifestyle, you first have to ask – what does a psychopath want?
What does a psychopath want?
Psychopaths want power and control without any of the hard work or responsibility that comes with achieving these things.
Psychopaths use people as external objects to create the kind of life they want to live.
Easily bored
Psychopaths get bored easily. They need constant stimulation. This is why you don’t find many psychopaths in regular 9-to-5 jobs. They’re either fired or they leave. But they do not want to live in poverty or on the bread line. So they need other people to support their way of life.
Lack of motivation and irresponsibility
They also suffer from a lack of motivation and responsibility. They prefer to focus on exploiting others or exploiting the system. Psychopaths do not recognize the rules of society. They would think nothing of engaging in fraudulent or criminal activities.
No long-term goals
This lack of responsibility is doubly problematic when you team up with a psychopath’s failure to plan. Psychopaths will not have life insurance or good retirement plans. They are not likely to have a mortgage or even hold a job for more than a few months. They have to use people – otherwise, they wouldn’t be alive.
No guilt and remorse
Many people get unmotivated or get bored easily and don’t have long-term goals, but they don’t end up living like parasites. For example, people who prefer to live off the grid, lead a nomadic lifestyle, and reject the 9-5. The difference is that with no guilt or remorse, psychopaths are more than happy to take advantage of you.
No sympathy
Besides having no feelings of guilt or remorse, psychopaths are cold and ruthless. They view people as objects to be used for their gain. We may suffer from envy or jealousy sometimes, wishing we could have that cool new car that the neighbor just bought. The psychopath will kill the neighbor, take the car, and only get upset if blood is smeared on the upholstery.
Charming and manipulative
Psychopaths can only lead this kind of parasitic lifestyle because they have the gift of gossip. They use their charm and cunning to manipulate people into giving up their savings or financing their way of life. Then, when they run out of money, they’re on their way to finding their next victim.
Parasitic narcissist
Narcissists also lead parasitic lifestyles but for different reasons. Narcissists use people to help present and maintain their false identity to the outside world. So – what does a narcissist want?
What does a narcissist want?
The narcissist wants the public to flatter, validate, and maintain the facade so that their inner reality is not exposed. They want to feel superior to others.
Seeks validation
Narcissists can suffer from feelings of inadequacy, and it usually forms in childhood. To compensate for this, they create a different reality for themselves. To maintain this new identity, they need validation from a willing audience. It’s like holding up a mirror in front of themselves and hearing what they want to hear.
Need constant attention
What is the point of being so great if there is no one to vouch for your greatness? Narcissists need to be admired and to impress their vanity. Your needs as a partner, relative, or co-worker are irrelevant. You are only allowed around the narcissist to perform flattering duties.
A sense of entitlement
The typical narcissist is too cool to work hard and save their money. However, they are highly superior and entitled to only the best. This is your role – as a provider of the best.
Use the Halo effect
Some narcissists raise their status by surrounding themselves with people of a higher status. As counterintuitive as this may seem, after all, wouldn’t a narcissist want all the attention for himself or herself? Usually, the answer is yes but some attach themselves to people of great influence and wealth, which gives them more attractiveness.
Their needs outweigh your needs
In the case of the narcissistic parent, the child is the very thing that holds them in high esteem. The parent may push the child into an academic area they do not want to study, such as law or medicine, so the parent is seen in a positive light. The needs of the child are deducted in favor of the parent.
Lazy behavior
Narcissists are lazy unless they show off their talents to a likable audience. For chores or work – forget it. These are for suckers like you and me. Narcissists don’t think they have to do housework or menial work; Underneath such things.
10 signs that you are trapped in a parasitic lifestyle
When you are in love, it can be difficult to be objective and see any flaws in your partner. So here are 10 signs you might be in a parasitic lifestyle with a psychopath or narcissist:
He refuses to get a job and lives off your earnings
You will not help around the house with the housework
Takes credit to do housework
He must be the center of attention at all times
They cry for days if they don’t get what they want
You give in to their demands because it’s easier
They show no concern for your feelings
An overreaction of aggression if you question their behavior
They have no qualms about ending the relationship abruptly and moving on
You feel overwhelmed by their presence