New Study Shows That Conscious Alertness is The Key to Happiness

We believe our lives are reasonable and valuable if and when our goals align with our inner selves, and we are committed to achieving our goals, thereby improving our character. Our decisions about the important things in life, what to do in order to achieve our goals, and how to use our inner potential are the determining factors in our personal well-being.

According to recent research, subjective well-being can be described by three main factors:

A new study shows that mindful alertness is the key to happiness
The level of satisfaction with life as a whole, referring to the system of cognitive judgment, through which the individual evaluates his/her life in a comprehensive manner.
Frequency and intensity of positive emotions – pleasure and happiness.
Relative rarity of negative emotions, depression, fear, anxiety, sadness, and other negative situations
During his research, Frank M. Wanderer has studied how mindful alertness affects subjective well-being. Frank’s research hypotheses were as follows:

The subjective well-being of students with a higher level of mindful alertness is higher than that of students with a lower level of mindful alertness.
There were no gender differences among students with a high degree of conscious alertness in terms of subjective well-being.
Mindful alertness is shown to be closely related to some indicators of subjective well-being.
Data was collected among college students. 900 students participated in the research, and 854 of them provided valuable data (552 women and 302 men). The mean age was 20 years. The results of his research also confirmed Frank’s first hypothesis, that is, students with a high level of conscious alertness also had higher subjective well-being than those with a lower level of conscious alertness.

The research project demonstrated that students with a high level of mindful alertness reported a significantly higher level of subjective well-being and had significantly fewer physical complaints and symptoms and fewer interpersonal problems than students who did not yet have a state of mindful alertness. The withdrawal of ego functions and the emergence of waking awareness in the present tends to increase the subjective well-being of the individual, who becomes more resistant to interpersonal problems and physical reactions resulting from the ego survival situation.

Frank’s second hypothesis is also confirmed. The assumption was that among students with higher conscious alertness, there were no significant differences in subjective well-being between the sexes.

His third hypothesis—that there is a close relationship between mindful alertness and certain indicators of subjective well-being—also proved correct. In both sexes, mindful alertness was in a significant positive relationship with positive attitude toward life and joy of life, and in a significant negative relationship with depressive mood. In personal problems and physical symptoms, Frank has found that mindful alertness is able to reduce susceptibility to these reactions more in women than in men.

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