Never, EVER Do This With a Narcissistic Boss!

Narcissists exude a lot of energy. They are interesting. They seem to know what’s going on with everyone, they are swamped, and people want to share information with them. Even if they’re not heading to the top, they appear that way. Narcissists are drawn to positions of leadership; they love being in the spotlight!

Narcissists exude a lot of energy. They are interesting. They seem to know what’s going on with everyone, they are swamped, and people want to share information with them. Even if they’re not heading to the top, they appear that way. Narcissists are drawn to positions of leadership; they love being in the spotlight!

One problem with narcissistic bosses, however, is that they don’t respect boundaries. Things you say in jest or in private, or more accurately, things you think were said in jest or in private, often come back to haunt you.

Because of their energy and vigor, you’ll be tempted to step outside your normal relationship with your narcissistic boss and want to connect with him or her on a more personal basis. For example, you may want to be friends with him or connect with him on a social basis. Maybe he invites you to dinner with your spouse. Or perhaps he invites you to join his social club. Maybe even take a vacation with him.

Keep in mind that a narcissist is exploitative. This is one of his main traits. They are just using you to get something from you, whether it’s your admiration, your unique knowledge, the things you have that they want (including their wives!), or inside information that they can use in the workplace.

So what can you do?

Always stay in your lane when you work with a narcissistic boss. The immediate gains you get will be temporary at best and the long-term effects can be devastating. Just connect with them on a professional basis. Don’t let their false promises and invitations lure you in. Do your job well and stay in your lane. Maintain proper boundaries and you will succeed in overcoming a narcissistic boss.

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