Narcissistic Individuals Target Your Greatest Fears And Weaknesses

Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are strangely intuitive. They “read” people. The narcissistic personality relies on getting the attention of others, and knows exactly which buttons to press to get the “energy,” also known as the narcissistic supply—the drug that allows the narcissist to feel important and “alive.”

The narcissistic personality desires to secure energy and a place to project his damaged and tormented self. The narcissist is unscrupulous and has no remorse for using your weakest bond against you.

Because the narcissistic personality acts like a chameleon, he may change tactics from person to person and from relationship to relationship, depending on the individual he is dealing with.

Within a short period, if the narcissist decides to secure you as a source of narcissism, he or she will earn your trust by paying close attention to getting to know you.

The purpose of this is to build information. The narcissistic personality is looking for vulnerabilities, weak bonds, and insecurities, which he can play out on the right track to confuse and abuse.

It may seem funny that someone who hurts you because of your insecurities could manipulate you into staying hooked while they abuse you. People with narcissistic personality disorder gaslighting and projecting people with high levels of conscientiousness because they hate feeling “mistaken” and “misunderstood,” and this gives the perfect psychological mix for the narcissist to act obnoxiously while his or her victim survives. Suspense trying to prove integrity to the narcissist.

Trying to win compassion, validation, and approval from someone with a narcissistic personality disorder is a killer game. The narcissistic personality knows where to hit you at your lowest point, at your most vulnerable, raw, and insecure place. This leaves you reeling in disbelief, horror, and dismay at how someone who claims to love and care about you and who pours out adoration on you regularly could be capable of such atrocities. All logic in self-care may be nonexistent in the fight for decency in the face of such emotional tremors and trauma.

You may believe the details of what the narcissist attacks you with his or her material. The fact is that they don’t. The narcissistic personality is completely unconcerned with the “details” of arguments. The narcissist is simply looking for “feedback” from you.

The narcissistic personality is not concerned with justice, truth, or integrity. The narcissist feeds on your pain, loving the fact that all of their inner torment can be projected onto you, and you become mad, hurt, and upset.

The moral of this story is to fully get to know people’s integrity and character before sharing all of your deep, dark secrets. In addition, your self-approval, regardless of the opinions of others, protects you from having to prove yourself in vain, all the way to your death, to someone who has no remorse or conscience.