Narcissistic and Antisocial Personalities: Similar but Different

the main points
Narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders are Cluster B disorders, which include tyranny, vindictiveness, and interference.
These two personalities can be very charming, but also abusive in private.
One big difference is that narcissists tend to exaggerate a lot, while people with antisocial personality disorder tend to lie a lot.
It is common to see narcissism in anyone we disagree with. However, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a serious disorder for those who suffer from it and for those around them. Likewise, antisocial personality disorder (ASPD, also known as sociopathy) is one of the most difficult and serious disorders. The characteristics of each of these disorders are often misunderstood or even unnoticed until serious problems arise.

Main characteristics of NPD and ASPD

The Diagnostic Manual for Mental Health Professionals summarizes narcissistic personality disorder as “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy…” People with this disorder can be particularly arrogant, feel they deserve special treatment, and take advantage of others. In addition, they see themselves as winners and everyone around them as losers. They can be mean when they belittle others in order to enhance themselves, and will often publicly insult the people closest to them. They often insult others, but cannot stand it when others insult them. They are preoccupied with being seen as superior and often exaggerate their achievements, yet they often alienate everyone around them and may end up looking ridiculous or inferior.

The Diagnostic Manual describes antisocial personality disorder as “a common pattern of ignoring and violating the rights of others…” This includes a lot of aggressive behavior, deception (lying and deceit), and a lack of remorse. In addition, they can be reckless and put themselves and others in danger, often breaking the law and many getting arrested. They can be irresponsible and get into a lot of fights with those around them. However, many of them never get caught and can be particularly good at talking their way out of the consequences of their actions.

Similarities between NPD and ASPD

Both are Cluster B personality disorders in the Diagnostic Manual for Mental Health Professionals, meaning they can be “dramatic, emotional, or erratic.” Some research suggests that Cluster B personality disorders have strong associations with “bullying, revenge, and anger.” Parasitism.”4 These descriptions accurately describe many people who have each (but not all) of these personalities.

However, when you first get to know them, they can be some of the most attractive people you will ever meet. But don’t be fooled. Take your time getting to know them. While both can invest a lot of energy in presenting a public image of being cool and successful, they can be abusive in private life including domestic violence and destruction of property or reputation.

Related : Narcissism and the Myths That Just Won’t Die

Many people with either of these personality traits can be very successful, at least for a while. If they do suffer from these disorders, it means they have a persistent pattern of inflexible behavior that often interferes with their relationships and success. These two characters lack loyalty to others, although they may demand that you be loyal to them. Some seek new relationships rather than dealing with major conflicts in existing relationships.

More men have both of these personalities, but women have them too. A large study conducted in the United States in the early 2000s found that 62% of people with BPD were men5 and 76% of those with BPD were men.6

Differences between NPD and ASPD

Narcissistic personalities tend to be more sensitive to others, especially to others’ criticism. They care about what you think of them, whereas people with antisocial personality disorder don’t really care. This means that people with narcissistic personality disorder may prevent themselves from the worst behaviors and may be somewhat workable in relationships. But this does not prevent them from greatly exaggerating and claiming that their ordinary achievements are unbelievable. Many of them will use those close to them to get ahead – in love and work – and then leave those who used them behind. Narcissists usually appear selfish. But if they lie a lot, consider the possibility of an antisocial personality.

Unlike narcissists, antisocial personalities tend to be impulsive, aggressive, and deceptive. They want what they want, and they want it now. If you get in their way, they won’t care if they hurt you. They lack remorse and some may enjoy hurting you. This can make them less committed to relationships – in love and work – and more risky. This desire to deceive is perhaps the most common feature of everyday life. Nothing they say is reliable.

Experience shows that people with antisocial personality disorder will lie even when they could easily be caught, although they may still talk about the consequences. They often make up complete false stories about others and even about you, even to people in positions of authority. They are often looking for favors and trying to lure you into doing things for them, usually for a fake reason. It’s helpful to have clear boundaries for what you will or won’t do, no matter what.

Strategies for dealing with people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder

In general, coping strategies for people with antisocial personality disorder include focusing on positive and negative consequences (carrots and sticks), because they do not care about how they affect others. This applies to relationships, at work, and even in legal disputes. Pleading with care and rationality usually has no effect.

Coping strategies for people with narcissistic personality disorder typically involve a combination of praising (inflating) something they have done or are good at, and pointing out how their image would benefit from doing what you ask. Sometimes it’s helpful to point out how much they might damage their reputation by not cooperating with your requests, since their superior reputation is their biggest concern. But be careful about saying anything negative because it may backfire.


In general, narcissists exaggerate and antisocials lie. Both can deceive you, tempt you, and get you into difficult situations. Strategies for dealing with them are a bit different. However, some people have both personality disorders, so use strategies for both with them. Avoid believing everything you hear. Instead, look for these behavior patterns.