Narcissistic Abuse and Cultural Trends

Key Points

If a narcissist starts to feel slighted, they may begin engaging in manipulative behaviors to regain the level of praise they need.

Narcissism doesn’t come from too many selfies or too much social media, but narcissistic traits can be fueled by the overuse of these tendencies.
Good self-care means recognizing the balance between what your partner needs and what’s best for you

Have you ever been in a relationship with a narcissist? Even if you don’t know the exact clinical definition of the disorder, you’ve likely encountered people who carry a lot of selfish traits that can make narcissists particularly difficult to partner with.

People with a lot of narcissistic tendencies have deficits in their ability to consider the feelings of others and tend to focus on themselves. True narcissism that meets the diagnostic criteria according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is very rare, but the traits and characteristics are more common. When dealing with a narcissist, you may notice that you feel:

Emotional neglect.

Frustration due to their self-centered tendencies.
Manipulation (the person denies the truth of what happened or refuses to acknowledge their role or take responsibility).

Narcissists are primarily concerned with satisfying their ego, often by eliciting admiration and attention from others. A basic need for self-validation and self-esteem drives these behaviors, and they can become a burden on relationships, as people with narcissism struggle to empathize with others or recognize that others have needs, too.

Bait and Switch

Narcissists will go to any lengths to gain a subordinate, someone who will recognize them as special and superior to others. Love bombing is a common tactic of narcissists, where the person bombards you with compliments, admiration, and affection to win you over. The charm can be persuasive and all-encompassing, and you may find yourself wondering if it’s too good to be true.

When admiration is achieved, the narcissist may gradually change their behaviors. The drive for what is called “narcissistic feeding” is strong, meaning that those around them praise and acknowledge them as special and superior. If the narcissist begins to feel slighted or notice that their loved ones are not providing them with enough narcissistic feeding, they may begin to engage in manipulative behaviors to regain the level of praise and admiration they need. The shift in behaviors can be confusing for the person in a relationship with the narcissist. The behaviors can be abusive and demeaning and may make the person feel like they are losing their mind, especially if manipulation and dishonesty techniques are used.


With social media and selfie-obsessed culture, we may be inadvertently encouraging narcissism in the general population. Positive self-image has long been a widespread phenomenon, but true self-esteem and self-love are not the same as self-obsession and do not require the admiration of others to flourish.

Unfortunately, the self-absorbed tendencies encouraged by social media affect the ways we interact with others. Constantly comparing ourselves to our friends, loved ones, and even strangers can negatively impact our self-esteem, making us feel worse about ourselves in the long run. Living self-centered takes us away from real connections and reciprocal relationships; it leads to superficial, competitive acquaintances rather than friendships.

Related : 10 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent

True narcissism doesn’t come from a selfie binge or social media obsession, but narcissistic traits can be fueled by an overuse of these cultural trends. Whether we’re exploring our relationships with others or looking at the ways we think and feel about ourselves, authenticity is needed and often comes from being vulnerable.

If you find yourself involved with a partner who has narcissistic traits, consider how the relationship is impacting your mental health and whether it’s giving you the love and support you need for a healthy relationship. Good self-care means recognizing the balance between what your partner needs and what’s best for you. Healthy self-esteem can be achieved without relying on excessive admiration from others and can be maintained through self-reflection and compassion for others as well as yourself

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