Is The Narcissist You Know a Psychopath?

All narcissists fit nicely on a scale, don’t they? Some may be less harmful to you than others, while a select few (but still very many) have psychopathic blood running through their veins.

It’s not enough that they’re a little selfish; they’re all there. They make your life and the lives of others absolutely miserable.

They’re dangerous, and I’m not speaking lightly here.

So, let’s take a look at the narcissist in your life—and while you work through my “psychopath checklist”—I’ll let you decide whether they’re more sinister than you’d expect.

Let’s Get to Know Them: The Checklist

You’ll recognize a narcissist by their:

Inability to feel or show empathy

Ability to deceive others and stir up hatred

Lack of empathy when faced with adversity

Sense of responsibility within which they live—they feel they owe everything

Obsessiveness that the world revolves around them

Mood swings—create an addictive personality that’s difficult for their victims to break free from

Manipulative tactics such as isolating you, manipulating you, violating your boundaries, and stripping you of your self-confidence and self-esteem

Related : 6 Big Mistakes People Make When Dealing With Covert Narcissists

Isolation makes it difficult for you to find a support system over time, as they’ve successfully alienated you from your loved ones

Instant charm and how they can attract crowds while simultaneously ignoring you and giving you the silent treatment

Ability to treat you abusively behind closed doors while maintaining immense popularity in public, making it difficult for you to justify or prove the abuse

Narcissists are dangerous people capable of causing such devastation. They have no conscience, and they’ll only wear you down over time. In the end, guess what?

…your attachment to them confirms their control over you.

That’s the narcissist’s sole goal, really. The idea of ​​”I can do whatever I want, and you’ll forgive me for it” is what enables them to ensure you’ll never leave them.

Hmm…this ticks all the boxes…

All narcissists behave this way, and that’s something those who know them will discover over time.

It’s not supposed to be nice or fun, and any narcissist who enters your life will twist it to suit them and make everything difficult, painful, or disappointing for you.

That’s their job, and that’s what they’re good at.

Narcissists are toxic hurricanes, and if you get in their way, they’ll destroy you.

But what about the next level? What happens when a narcissist delves into the world of psychopathy?

Do you think the narcissist you know might exhibit some of these traits?

Related : The One Phrase That Will Leave Any Narcissist Powerless!

We’re talking about radical shifts and evolutions in the narcissism scale.

Psychopaths exist, and they’re not just viewers of true crime docuseries on streaming channels!

They’re among us, and you likely know one or two of them.

If you haven’t had the good fortune to know one of them well, it’s time to explain the true meaning of the word “psychopath” and let you determine if the person in question fits these descriptions.

Narcissism vs. Psychopathy: What’s the Difference?


React intensely to criticism

Driven by their self-image

Constantly seek admiration

Need attention wherever they go


Act extremely rationally – without remorse

They are cold people – some say they feel no emotion

Sometimes commit criminal behavior with no conscience at all

Deceitful to the point of feeling no guilt or remorse

They don’t want to be defined by their desire for social recognition. They don’t care about attention – they only focus on their own motivations

You see a psychopath who can go about their days quietly and accomplish whatever they want. Narcissists can’t do this without stirring up drama and getting as much attention as possible.

It’s really disturbing that psychopaths are always the ones you hear about when people say:

Related : The One Secret The Narcissist Knows About You

They were always so quiet. I never really saw them, and they didn’t really talk.

They never gave me the impression that they were troubled. They always saw me, smiled, and waved. They’re self-absorbed.

Suddenly, it all makes sense when you think about it that way.

Narcissists are the complete opposite in many ways. They’re always meddling in other people’s affairs, competing and comparing, causing conflict and chaos wherever they go.

Psychopaths, however, are not.

…Dare I question the similarities?!

Absolutely! But I think you’d better rest easy, because the similarities are more than you might think.

  • They’re both selfish.
  • They’re both cruel.
  • They both lack a conscience.
  • They both lack empathy.
  • They both hold grudges.
  • They both display toxic desires.
  • They’re both filled with vanity.
  • They both hate themselves deep down.
  • They’re both jealous.
  • They both hate seeing others happy.
  • They both enjoy punishment and revenge.

It’s striking how similar narcissists and psychopaths are, isn’t it?

I mean, each of these similarities has the potential to grow and develop into very serious actions that could cause you pain or problems.

If you look closely at the psychological aspect of these similarities, you’ll want to amplify them because they’ll be even more severe than those of narcissists.

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I know right now you’re probably thinking about all the famous movie villains who could be classified as psychopaths, just for comparison.

Well done!

Katherine in Basic Instinct

Jordan in The Wolf of Wall Street


Anton in No Country for Old Men

Or, dare I say it… Fatal Attraction?!

These are people who transcend the narcissistic level of entitlement or manipulation.

These are people with a truly evil streak.

Ignore Your Gut

Reason and instinct are inextricably linked, so we all need to pay more attention to them.

Your intuition tells you when things don’t feel right, so you have to decide what to do.

Related : The Narcissist Eternally Suffers From These 6 Things

Psychopaths are dangerous people, and you could find yourself in a difficult situation if you don’t seek help.

If You Don’t Feel Safe…

Situations involving narcissists and psychopaths are an unsafe path to walk.

You think you’re safe, but that’s only because you know what you’re getting into.

Sometimes, you don’t know.

Sometimes you need to walk away and seek help if necessary.

Not feeling safe is the first step to admitting there’s a bigger problem you need to find a way out of, and I recommend doing so if you’re in this situation.

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