If Your Partner Has These 8 Personality Traits, You May Have A Toxic Relationship

How do you know the warning signs of a toxic relationship?

Sometimes, it’s hard to know. However, there are some negative personality traits that are red flags for toxic people.

Those with toxic and negative personality traits can lure you into a false sense of security and then destroy your self-esteem.

In toxic and unhealthy relationships, victims are often convinced that the problem is with them, so they end up accepting negative criticism from the toxic lover.

It can be confusing when you are blamed as the problem or told that you have all the problems.

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When you love someone, you can overlook the warning signs of a toxic relationship.

Toxic partners can be deceptive, and may appear perfect on the outside. However, this is often because it is easier to disconnect from what is really going on, to avoid confronting what is really going on.

Here are 8 negative personality traits of a toxic person that can lead to signs of a toxic relationship.

  1. They envy you or are jealous of you
    Do you have a partner who acts polite but harbors envy and hatred towards you?

They may be secretly competitive or comparing themselves to you. Do they feel pain when you are successful or happy?

Many people who feel dissatisfied with their lives will hide how disappointed they are when others achieve success or share good news.

Toxic partners feel inadequate and cover it up by smiling, not saying anything or commenting negatively to minimize their disappointment, to prevent their self-esteem from being damaged.

They feel like a failure in the success of others, and this highlights that their own expectations are not being met.

It seems unfair that others should do better, it is a competition or race to be the best.

You cannot rise above them or they will crush you with destructive envy.

They feel miserable because of your happiness and may try to bring you down to raise themselves up.

  1. They criticize you or underestimate your value in order to rise above you
    If you are in a toxic relationship with someone with narcissistic personality disorder, they may take pleasure in belittling the success of others, by beating them down or making devaluing comments so they can one-up them.

Therefore, they do not feel incompetent, and end up criticizing others in order to advance themselves.

They inflate their self-esteem to convince others how great they are.

Since they feel superior, they openly reject others.

  1. They change the problem and make it your fault to cover up their actions
    Toxic people blame others for their mistakes and find ways to cover up their actions so that they are never wrong.

They will find a way to turn the problem into your fault.

They avoid the indignity of judgment resulting from shame, so they distort the truth and avoid taking responsibility for covering up their mistakes.

They do this by finding fault in others, whom they blame for their shortcomings.

They lost their jobs because their boss was threatened by them, their ex was crazy, they cheated because you never had sex with them when they wanted to, you were told that you should get over problems and not bring them up.

It’s always the other person’s fault and they’re perfect.

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