If you recognize these 6 behaviors, you’re in a one-sided relationship

Some things in life are better when they are “one-sided.” You know, I did solo.

For example…

A nice game of solitaire, completing a challenging jigsaw puzzle, weeding your garden, and eating an entire pizza alone (no, just me?).

But here’s the thing.

When it comes to relationships, there has to be a little give and take.

In other words, an equal (and balanced) partnership.

If you’re the only one making an effort, reaching out, or providing emotional (even financial) support…

It sounds like you are in a one-sided relationship.

But how do you recognize the signs? Well, here are six telltale behaviors to watch out for.

Discover them before it’s too late!

1) They do not apologize for mistakes
There will be times when we make a mistake or say the wrong thing. Especially in the heat of the moment.

As you know, it is completely normal to have arguments or disagreements here and there.

It can be a good thing.

But for a relationship to work (and stay healthy), it’s important that you take responsibility for your actions and make amends.

Because ultimately, even if you didn’t mean to hurt your partner’s (or friend’s) feelings, you did.

That’s why you swallow your pride and make amends by seeking forgiveness (sincerely).

But for some people, “sorry” simply isn’t in their vocabulary. It just doesn’t count. At least, not when it’s their turn to apologize.

Instead, you are usually the first (and only) person to take responsibility for restoring peace. If you don’t, they will make you feel guilty or give you the cold shoulder until you finally give up.

The thing is…

In their eyes, it’s never their fault.

They only see things from their point of view. Either that or they always have an excuse or “good reason” for saying what they said (or did).

A relationship that will last if you stay in this one-sided relationship.

2) They “casper” regularly (until they need something)

Are you always the first to reach out to them or include them in plans? Perhaps they often leave you unread…

And if we’re being honest here, they only call you when they need a favor or a shoulder to cry on. In other words, when it’s convenient for them.

Not only this…

But they lead you through constant blowing hot and cold. It’s confusing, to say the least.

Well, we’ve all heard of the term “ghosting.” But did you know about its friendlier cousin, the “caspring?”


What about “navigation”?

Simply put, it is a place where someone is still connected, but limited. It either cuts you off slowly or keeps you in a rut, without commitment.

And while these cutesy dating terms seem harmless enough, they can actually be more harmful (and cruel) than complete ghosting.

They give the other person false hope.

But this is the truth.

When you’re in a relationship, limited communication (or lack thereof) is a major red flag. Moreover, it is a clear sign that this romance or friendship is one-sided.

3) They never ask you about your day
When you talk to them, do you really feel heard?

By that I mean are they present, asking relevant open-ended questions, paraphrasing, maintaining eye contact, and generally, interested in you and what you have to say?

In other words, are they actively listening to you?

If not, you are probably in a one-sided relationship.

Here’s the need.

Communication is crucial if a relationship is going to work, and for good reason. Not only does it help resolve conflicts but it allows us to connect with others on a deeper level.

For example…

Build trust, increase intimacy, set expectations, and most importantly, get to know each other.

Without it, you may feel lonely, insecure, or misunderstood.

And when you’re the only one participating or making an effort, it can be very painful and frustrating over time.

Ultimately, it shows a lack of understanding, empathy and emotional support on their part. It’s like they don’t care.

that’s why…

4) They are emotionally distant
Have you ever referred to your partner as your “other half?”

There’s a reason for that.

This means they are there for you, no matter what. They complete you. Most importantly, you need to support each other (equally).

However, when you are in an imbalanced relationship, it is the opposite.

They may be emotionally distant, distracted, or downright selfish. They may fail to reciprocate the same support you offer them, leaving you unfulfilled and rejected.

Either way, it all points to one thing…

This relationship is one-sided.

5) Being around them is stressful
Being in a couple is a lot like entering into a new business venture – it’s a partnership.

I know, I know, that doesn’t sound very romantic, does it?

But bear with me.

There are joint decisions to be made, compromises to be made, financial resources to be combined, and it requires a great deal of negotiation skills.

Like any successful business, it takes open communication, dedication, commitment, and teamwork to run smoothly.

Get this right, you are an unstoppable unit.

But when you’re in a one-sided relationship, all of that goes out the window.

Instead, all the hard work (decisions, plans, intimacy, responsibilities) falls on one person, while the other person is distant, stubborn, and unwilling to make sacrifices.

Honestly, it’s completely exhausting to be around them.

This is because the relationship is unbalanced. Something that causes you emotional stress and resentment – in more ways than one.

6) They easily “forget” their wallet
When you’re in a relationship, it’s natural to split costs. Maybe, treat each other every now and then.

Ultimately, you may even decide to combine resources.

But if you find that you are the only person contributing to expenses such as bills, vacations, night outs, or groceries, there may be a financial imbalance.

Furthermore, this unhealthy dynamic indicates that the relationship is one-sided.

Worse still, you may make excuses for them.

But the bottom line is…

If you realize this or any of the other behaviors listed in this article, it’s time to take a step back and ask yourself…

“Is this one-sided relationship worth it?”

Because if a relationship is constantly making you feel devalued and unfulfilled, it’s time to put yourself and your well-being first.