Do you love sharing updates on social media about your latest #workout gains? When you have a new healthy smoothie recipe to share with the masses? Well, if you do, science thinks you might be a total narcissist.
I know! How rude.
A 2016 study by Brunel University in London discovered that people can be divided into groups of common personality traits according to the type of content they share online.
The study didn’t say anything about what type of people have a lot of cat memes, so there’s still hope for me.
So where does the whole narcissistic part come in? Here: Groups of people like narcissists are defined by certain traits.
Traditionally, narcissists love nothing as much as they love sharing any and all news about accomplishments and achievements that come their way.
Related: 15 Signs Someone Has A Narcissistic Personality Disorder — And How To Understand Them
It makes sense then that successful training, or the ability to not look like a complete monster after a boot camp session, would be chronicled by the true narcissist and shared all over social media for the world to see and appreciate.
If their followers are jealous too, that’s not a bad bonus either! If you think about it, in many ways, social media is a dream come true for the striving narcissist.
Sharing their charming looks isn’t the only thing narcissists tend to share on social media either.
This study found that narcissists were more likely to share information that let people know how proud they were of taking care of their appearance.
Related: 8 Long-Lasting Effects Of Having Narcissistic Parents
Did you know that one person on social media only posts pictures of their old meals? Yes, science gives them the stink eye in a big way.
While this study raises some interesting points about the way people participate online and the type of people who participate online, and while there is a lot of logic in their findings here, I don’t know that I agree with that.
Where do we draw the line between enjoying sharing your accomplishments with your colleagues and complete ego obsession? Because there is a difference.
I think everyone I know has posted a photo of themselves working out, or taken a photo of a healthy meal they were proud to make.
Either I only know narcissists, or this study isn’t the whole story.
We could be getting into dangerous territory when we start calling every woman who shares selfies in workout clothes a narcissist.
The history of how women are taught how to treat our bodies is distorted enough.
If I want to enjoy a sweaty, red-faced selfie after running a brisk mile, for the love of God, let me do it without shame!
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