If someone displays these 17 behaviors, they’re playing mind games with you

Dating can be fun, but sometimes it can also be a little difficult and downright confusing.

If you have an uncomfortable feeling and can’t figure out who you’re dating or what’s going on in your relationship, it might be because he’s playing mind games with you.

Mind games are not easy, they are a form of psychological manipulation! Let’s not waste any time, let’s jump right in and figure out the obvious behaviors.

1) Inconsistent behavior
One minute it’s hot, the next it’s cold.

Look familiar?

If the guy you’re dating keeps switching between being affectionate and loving and being distant and cold, this is a sure sign that he’s playing mind games with you.

Their behavior makes it virtually impossible to predict their reactions or know their intentions, so if you’re feeling frustrated, you have every reason to be.

2) Gas lighting
Gaslighting is the worst kind of manipulation if you ask me.

It basically happens when someone denies or distorts facts to make you question your perception of reality or doubt your memory. Yes, it’s very messy. I would certainly question the mental state of the person doing the gaslighting.

It’s cruel behavior, and if anyone does this to you – whether it’s the person you’re dating or someone else in your life – I recommend you stay away from them.

3) Playing the victim
My aunt does this to almost everyone she meets. She’s been doing this for years, and even though those of us close to her know what she’s doing, we’re still sucked into her mind games.

Basically, people who do this like to portray themselves as the victim to gain sympathy and manipulate your emotions (more on that in the next point).

And the result?

They make you do things you don’t want to do or don’t have the time and energy to do.

4) Emotional manipulation
Another way someone playing mind games can get you to do what they want is by using guilt, fear, and other similar tactics to control your actions or decisions.

For example, if you want to go out with your friends and they want you to stay home with them, they will make you feel guilty for choosing your friends over your relationship or leaving them when they are vulnerable!

Or they will make you afraid that they will leave you if you do something they don’t like, see people they don’t approve of, or refuse to do something they ask of you.

5) Giving mixed signals
Just say what’s on your mind!

Am i right?

What’s wrong with people who like to send mixed messages and give vague responses just to confuse you? What are they trying to achieve with such mind games?

I don’t know, I guess it’s their way of feeling in control, but when you’re on the receiving end, it’s enough to drive you crazy.

6) Withholding information
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that many of the behaviors of a person who likes to play mind games are unhealthy and cruel.

I’m not a psychiatrist but these are people with serious problems.
I mean they will deliberately hide important information from you to maintain control, talk about twisted!

7) The silent treatment
Now, at some point in our lives, most of us will use the silent treatment when we’re upset with our partner. We will feel angry and frustrated and feel that there is nothing left to say and that silence is stronger than words.

But the thing about the silent treatment is that it can actually be used as a harsh form of punishment.

If you do something your partner isn’t happy about and they stop talking to you and make you feel like you don’t exist, it can mess with your head.

In general, the silent treatment is a mind game and there is no way to solve your problems.

8) Love bombing

So, what exactly is “love bombing”?

You know how things can get so intense at the beginning of a relationship? How the person you’re going out with will go over the top and shower you with affection and attention…

Well, it could be because they are in love and overwhelmed by their own feelings, but it could also be a mind game where they are trying to create dependency.

So be careful, take things slowly and create some boundaries to let them know what works for you and what doesn’t.

9) Triangulation
It’s definitely not the behavior of an emotionally mature person, I can tell you that. It reminds me of middle school actually.

This type of mind game involves creating a love triangle.

Here’s how it goes: The person you’re dating will bring in a third party to make you jealous, create competition, or — for whatever reason — friction in the relationship.


Maybe they need chaos to feel alive, I don’t know. They definitely have problems.

10) Testing limits
This type of mind game involves pushing your limits to see how far they can go and how much they can control and manipulate you into doing what they want.

That’s why it’s so important to not only create very clear boundaries, but stick to them!

Trust me, it’s for your own good.

11) Backhanded compliments
Have you ever had someone disguise insults or criticism as compliments?

You know, like when someone says: “What an original dress.” They don’t say anything bad about it, and yet you know they hate it.

Well, indirect compliments are sure to make you feel insecure and confused, and it’s definitely another kind of mind game.

12) Create drama
Some people can’t live without drama.

I don’t know what it is, but they feel like a relationship isn’t real unless they always have to fight for it. You know, the whole, “If you love me you’ll chase me” thing.

And if things are going well?

You can be sure that they will stir up some drama to keep you emotionally off balance.

13) Play hard to get
So, this is a tactic that a lot of people use when they’re trying to win someone over.

The problem is that once you’re dating someone, playing hard to get becomes a sick game.

Think about it, if you’re already dating, why should you chase them? They have to make up their mind – they either like you or they don’t!

14) Love of withdrawal
If the person you’re dating likes to play this game, I highly recommend giving up **.

Seriously, if you’re going out with someone who keeps threatening to end the relationship to get you to do what he wants, he’s not worth your time!

15) Isolate you
This is a very dangerous game to play with someone, so be careful.

If you feel like the person you’re going out with is working hard to distance you from your friends and family — by shaming them or creating tension — then you need to talk to someone you trust and ask for help.

If they really loved you, they would never try to isolate you.

16) Competitive comparisons
Oh come on. Already growing up. Am i right?

If you are dating someone who constantly compares you to other people of the same gender to make you feel inferior or insecure, then you are childish and emotionally insecure.

Such games are for kids so I suggest you find yourself an emotionally mature person to date.

17) Future fakery
Finally, there’s future fakery…

This so-called game consists of making promises about a future together and making big plans to keep you happy, but never implementing them.

This is usually a game played by people who are already in a committed relationship or people who are not planning to be in a serious relationship.

bottom line

If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t.

Now that you know how to tell if someone is playing mind games with you, take charge of your relationship and your life.