If He Has Any Of These 3 Personality Types, Your Relationship Will Never Work

Narcissistic, unstable, and paranoid. These are the three types of people you should never be in a relationship with — or even date.

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According to former FBI agent and best-selling author John Navarro, these three personality types make up roughly 75 percent of the most dangerous people in the world—the rest is reserved for psychopaths and sexual predators—and an association with any of them can threaten both. Your physical and mental well-being.

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If he has any of these three personality types, your relationship will never work:

I’ve done my research and below is a short profile of each of the three types. It will show you how they think and why you should avoid getting into a relationship with someone.

  1. The narcissist
    The name comes from the Greek myth of Narcissus, the handsome hunter from Boeotia who fell in love with his reflection and stared at it until he died. There are many causes of narcissism, but the most common cause is the parents: abuse, neglect, and – on the other hand – excessive pampering.

Narcissistic personalities only care about themselves and their needs. They are, indeed, arrogant, and have a very high sense of self. They also crave admiration and will do anything to get it, which is why they spend more energy, time and money on looking attractive.

These characters see few flaws in themselves. They are never wrong and will attack you if you treat them less than they think you should. The easiest way to spot a narcissist is to criticize them or try to prove them wrong.

According to psychologist Dr. Scott Keller of Kent State University, narcissistic men, especially heterosexual men, are the most hostile toward heterosexual women. “Their lack of empathy, their inflated sense of superiority, and their perceptions of being deprived of ‘deserved’ admiration and gratification can leave them vulnerable to aggression and retaliation,” Keller revealed.

A narcissist will do anything to get what he wants, including cheating. Although they can be very sweet and charming, they will never show sympathy for you – unless they want something. In fact, the more you are around, the more you realize they don’t care about you. Want proof? You will never be able to back a narcissist into a corner, no matter how wrong you think they are.

He will charm you at the beginning of the relationship and then everything will go downhill from there. Your sole existence should change to please them and no one else, and no matter how hard you try, narcissists will bully you and always make you feel inferior.

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  1. Emotional instability
    People with borderline personality disorder have difficulty maintaining interpersonal relationships, and may not present themselves as the partner you are looking for. They are unpredictable, lacking in empathy – although they may seem charming at first – and impulsive, moving from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other in the blink of an eye. They are also irrational, especially in the way they see themselves and the way they set boundaries for you.

A good way to identify an emotionally unstable person – besides their gambling behavior – is to look at their track record in relationships. They, especially the female type, are also known for their numerous relationships and multiple divorces mainly because they struggle between their fear of abandonment and the fear of being trapped which will confuse you or any future lover.

They will invite you to act too attached, perhaps even clingy. But this invitation will backfire on you once you approach it. They will simply feel suffocated and will eventually run away, forcing you to step back and give them space. In fact, even then they will come back complaining that you no longer care about them. They may also harm themselves or threaten suicide.

Simply put, being around an emotionally unstable partner is like endlessly walking on eggshells; Too much drama, you always have to watch your step, and no matter what you do, you’ll still be in the wrong.

Related: How To Stop Being A Narcissist

  1. Paranoid
    A little paranoia can make sense and may help you in today’s world, according to Harvard Business Review, but like anything else, too much of it can be dangerous.

Paranoia, as defined, is a persistent, irrational feeling of being threatened and that everyone is out to get you. A paranoid person is reserved, argumentative, and skeptical. In a relationship, they will be the ones who call you frequently, call you at unexpected hours, and monitor everything you do for fear that you will betray them. This is especially common among people – mostly men – who have been betrayed by their ex-partners.

Remember Ross from Friends who was horrified when his English girlfriend went out with Susan, the woman who took his ex-wife away from him? He wasn’t paranoid, but that’s how it sometimes starts according to psychoanalyst Nancy McWilliams, who believes that paranoia is a process rather than a trait that a person can develop with a certain amount of stress or regression.

The conspiracy theory will also drive you crazy. A paranoid person is usually under the false assumption that the world is watching them carefully or planning to harm them, which will make it difficult for you to convince them using logic that what they believe is not true. By conflicting with them, you will become the “enemy.” They will alienate you, hide important details from you, and continue to keep you in the dark.

Paranoid people are also bad at expressing love and sharing intimacy. Most of the time, they will guard themselves from you and not tell you how much they love you so that you don’t take advantage of them.

As psychologist Molly S. Castillo of York University says: For them, love is dangerous and threatening. A paranoid person will unconsciously turn any feeling of love they have for you into hatred and then make themselves believe that you hate them too.

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