If He Does These 7 Things, You’re In A Fake Relationship

What is a fake relationship?

It is a relationship that has no future. It’s a relationship you stay in either because you’re afraid to be alone and move on, or because you’re convinced things will change, but they won’t.

Many of us don’t even know we are in fake relationships. It’s hard to explain why this is, but one guess is that we simply refuse to open our eyes and think about change.

Change is difficult and not welcomed by many people. Regardless of whether it’s good or bad, at a time when you have to make a decision that you know will make things different, change is hard.

You give up everything you know and start something completely different.

The future that awaits you is scary because, of course, you don’t know what will happen.

That’s why some of us choose to believe that our relationship is the right one.

Because it is easier to live believing that the problems between you and your partner are only temporary.

Otherwise, the only thing left for you to do is accept that you are in a fake relationship.

To make things easier for you and to make you open your eyes and accept what comes next, here are the things he does that actually show that you are in a fake relationship that has no future. You’re just prolonging the inevitable.

He doesn’t talk to you

Where there is no communication, there is no love. Why?

Because if your partner doesn’t talk to you, if they don’t share their thoughts and feelings, how are you supposed to know this person?

Keeping in touch doesn’t mean you have to call or text each other every second, but when you get home from work, it would be nice to talk a little bit about how your day went or how you’re feeling, just to keep things going. With things.

How else can you know what’s going on in your partner’s life? Communication is key.

If he doesn’t talk to you, you won’t know what’s bothering him.

Keeping feelings inside can only cause problems in the long run.

When he leaves, you don’t know where he’s going

He was a bit reticent about where he was going and when he would be back.

I’m just saying, you’re not making a police report and you don’t have to know all the details but it would be nice if he could just come out and tell you where or with whom?

It doesn’t mean you have trust issues, but if he acts this way all the time, you will develop trust issues.

Once you stop trusting him, there is no point in staying in the relationship.

The fact that he doesn’t want to tell you where he’s going is very suspicious and can only show you that he doesn’t take your relationship seriously and probably doesn’t plan on staying much longer.

You’re just a backup plan until he finds something better. This is definitely a false relationship.

It’s everywhere in public

You might think that PDA is actually a good thing, but like anything else, overusing something can be very questionable and harmful.

If he attacks you in public and you go along with his charade, then you have a problem.

He is probably trying to prove to others that he is happy and by doing the same you are only helping him.

When you come home, it will turn into the cold shade it was before. This is just a real relationship.

You don’t have to prove your love to anyone. If he needs to do this excessively, then you are definitely in a fake relationship.

The reasons for maintaining a fake relationship can be many, but whatever they are, do yourself a favor and leave immediately, before you get too hurt.

You’re always the one who starts the conversation

He will only talk to you when he needs something from you. This means that he is aware of what he is doing and the type of relationship he has.

This means that this type of scenario suits him at the moment.

Don’t let him use you and break you. I tried hard enough and started many conversations that were all a one way street.

I took words away from him and it never ended well.

This man simply does not want to open up to you. Maybe you’re not that interesting to him, or he just has different plans.

Anyway, you are the victim here and you should definitely leave this fake relationship.

The only thing you have is sexual chemistry

Don’t get me wrong. Sex is great and it’s great to have that kind of chemistry between you.

But there is something you should not ignore so easily. Sex is great but it’s not the most important thing in a relationship.

If the only thing you have left is sex, you are in a fake relationship. You can’t communicate through emotion alone. For a real relationship, you need much more than that.

At the beginning of a relationship, sex plays a big role in your life.

You get to know each other and explore each other, but after some time, things have to develop into something bigger and more serious.

If they never do this, this relationship will fail.

You don’t share great moments together

Your relationship is actually boring. You’re stuck in a rut where you do one thing again and again.

You are stuck in a routine which is anything but fun or creative. Relationships have to be fun and turbulent.

You get to experience a lot of things together. You should be able to remember all the crazy, goofy, romantic or sad moments you had together. You must have to remember them.

If this is lacking in your relationship, it means that the relationship you have is not a real relationship. It’s an attempt that was worth it for a while but failed.

His ego is so big

Relationships are about compromise, and if someone has to be right all the time, then something is wrong with that picture.

If he insists on doing things his way all the time, then your relationship is loveless.

When you love someone, you will show it by leaving them from time to time. Even if you think you are 100% right, you will listen to your partner.

He never does that. He thinks he’s right, and even if you were actually right and he wasn’t, he wouldn’t admit it. His ego is too big to accept that he made a mistake.