If you’re wondering how to spot a narcissist in your social circle, you can start by looking at their personality traits. It turns out that signs of narcissism can show up in a person’s energy, too.
There are a lot of articles on the Internet about narcissists.
With a little googling, we can learn some of the characteristics of a narcissistic person and realize that narcissism is a personality disorder.
Here are some examples from Mayo Clinic. Narcissist…
He has an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Expects to be recognized as superior even without accomplishments to justify it
He exaggerates achievements and talents
Preoccupied with delusions of success, power, intelligence, beauty, or the perfect partner
He believes that he is superior and can only be understood or related to by equally special people
It requires constant admiration
He has a sense of entitlement.
If you have been in contact with a narcissist, I’m sure you can add some of your own definitions to this list.
Related: The #1 Way To Know You’re Being Gaslighted By A Toxic Partner
What about the narcissist’s energy?
If you want to avoid getting involved with a narcissist or identify with someone in your family group or circle of friends, in my experience, this is how narcissistic energy manifests.
The first thing you need to understand is that if you agree to communicate regularly with a narcissist, you may end up becoming a “narcissistic display.”
Yes, like a drug dealer.
This means, in energetic terms, literally, you give and the narcissist takes.
At first, it may not seem so. If you are in an intimate relationship or close friendship with a narcissist, you may feel happy and feel great, because this person is giving you lots of attention, praise, and connection. Amazing thing! Just what you’ve always dreamed of.
Once you are emotionally (and energetically) connected, the tables will start turning and the flow of energy will change.
The “glow” you felt at the beginning of your contact will be a vague memory, unless the narcissist senses your attention waning, in which case he or she will shine the headlights back in your direction to top you off. Some magic and love brings you back online.
Related: There Are 3 Types Of Narcissists — How To Spot Each One
The energetic difference between you and a narcissist
The difference is, more often than not, the narcissist gets his vital force, or energy, or “chi,” or whatever you want to call it, from others. I know it sounds a bit scary, but the upside is that they can only get it from you with your consent.
If you have a regular spiritual practice and connect with God, the Greater Self, the Collective Consciousness, Gaia or put your word here _, you will not need to get your vital force from anyone else in the body, nor will you. I want to.
Have you been a compassionate witness, or know someone who has been in your life?
Your compassionate witness may have been silent, but he saw how you were mistreated and knew it was wrong. A compassionate witness could be a parent or sibling who knew about your abuse but was unable to stop it.
I felt this as I grew older, and as a result, I realized that there was a different world waiting for you than the picture the narcissist had painted in your mind.
When a narcissist grows up through family trauma, no one was there to witness his or her suffering, so the person comes to believe that this behavior is normal and normal and that it is okay to treat others the same way.