How to spot a covert narcissist: 10 telltale signs

Understanding and identifying the traits of covert narcissists can be difficult because they often hide their true nature behind a facade of humility and charm. However, there are some red flags to look out for that can help you recognize if someone you know is exhibiting covert narcissistic tendencies.

Here are 10 telltale signs to help you spot covert narcissists:

  1. They lack empathy

One of the key traits of covert narcissists is their inability to show empathy for others. They often struggle to understand or relate to the feelings and experiences of others. They may dismiss or invalidate other people’s feelings, making relationships with them difficult and one-sided.

Covert narcissists may also be quick to criticize or judge others without considering how their words affect those around them. Their lack of empathy can create a toxic environment in personal and professional relationships.

Paying attention to how they respond to situations that require empathy can provide valuable insight into their true nature.

  1. They Have a Sense of Entitlement

Covert narcissists often believe that they deserve special treatment or more privileges than others. They have a sense of entitlement that drives their behavior and interactions with those around them. This entitlement can manifest in a variety of ways, such as expecting preferential treatment or feeling resentful when others don’t meet their expectations.

Be wary of individuals who constantly demand special treatment or act as if they are above societal rules or norms.

  1. They are extremely sensitive to criticism

Despite their confident outward appearance, covert narcissists are extremely sensitive to criticism and rejection. They cannot handle any form of negative feedback and may react defensively or aggressively when their actions or behavior are questioned.

They may use manipulative techniques to shift blame onto others or deny their wrongdoings entirely. This hypersensitivity to criticism can make it difficult to have open and honest communication with a covert narcissist, as they are quick to get defensive and may resort to manipulation to protect their image.

Pay attention to how they react to feedback or constructive criticism, as this can reveal their true nature and level of self-awareness.

  1. They lack accountability

Covert narcissists often refuse to take responsibility for their actions or admit when they are wrong. They may blame others or make excuses to avoid facing the consequences of their behavior.

They have a knack for twisting the facts and manipulating situations to portray themselves in a positive light, even when they are wrong. This lack of accountability can damage relationships and erode trust over time, as those around them struggle to reconcile their actions with reality.

Look for patterns of behavior where the covert narcissist consistently avoids taking responsibility or admitting their mistakes.

  1. They Seek Constant Validation

Covert narcissists feel an insatiable need for admiration and validation from others. They often rely on external sources to boost their self-esteem and self-worth, seeking praise and appreciation to feel validated.

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They may seek out compliments or create situations where they are the center of attention to meet their need for validation. This constant search for approval can be exhausting for those around them, as they are expected to provide reassurance and praise on a regular basis.

Watch how a covert narcissist reacts when they don’t get the validation they seek, as this can reveal their underlying insecurities and need for external validation.

  1. Showing Envy and Resentment

Covert narcissists often feel envy and resentment toward others they perceive as more successful, attractive, or accomplished. They struggle to celebrate the accomplishments of others and may undermine or minimize their own accomplishments to lift themselves up.

They may engage in passive-aggressive behavior or subtle forms of sabotage to ensure they remain superior in the eyes of those around them. This envy and resentment can create a toxic, competitive dynamic in relationships and undermine the success of others.

Pay attention to how a covert narcissist responds to the success and happiness of others, as it can provide insight into their true intentions and motivations.

  1. They are highly manipulative

One of the hallmarks of covert narcissists is their manipulative behavior. They use subtle tactics to control and influence those around them, often without their knowledge. Covert narcissists are skilled at exploiting the vulnerabilities of others to further their own goals and agendas.

They may use charm, flattery, or guilt to manipulate others to get what they want. Their manipulative tactics can be difficult to detect, as they often hide their true intentions behind a mask of kindness and caring.

Watch for signs of manipulation in your interactions with covert narcissists, as this can help protect yourself from being taken advantage of.

  1. They Practice Manipulation

Manipulation is a common tactic used by covert narcissists to undermine the reality and perception of those around them. They may deny or distort facts, manipulate the truth, or use psychological tactics to make others question their judgment and reason.

Manipulation can be a powerful tool for covert narcissists to control and manipulate those in their lives, as it creates doubt and confusion in the minds of their victims. They may use manipulation to shift blame, avoid accountability, or maintain a facade of perfection and infallibility.

Be aware of instances where a covert narcissist attempts to distort reality or rewrite history to suit their agenda, as this can be a red flag for manipulative behavior.

  1. They Lack Genuine Interest in Others

Covert narcissists often have difficulty forming meaningful and authentic relationships with others. They may appear charming and charismatic on the surface, but they lack the ability to truly empathize or connect with others on a deeper level.

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They may show superficial interest in others to meet their own needs for validation and admiration, but they struggle to maintain genuine, reciprocal relationships. This emotional detachment can leave those around them feeling unfulfilled and unimportant in their lives.

Pay attention to how the covert narcissist interacts with others and whether their actions match their words, as this can reveal their true intentions and level of honesty.

  1. They Have a Victim Mentality

Covert narcissists often portray themselves as victims in various situations in order to gain sympathy and attention from others. They may use their perceived struggles and hardships as a means to manipulate and control those around them, playing on their emotions for personal gain.

They may exaggerate or fabricate stories to portray themselves as victims and evoke feelings of pity or sympathy from others. This victim mentality can be emotionally draining for those in their lives, as they are constantly being manipulated into providing support and reassurance.

Pay attention to how the covert narcissist portrays themselves in different situations, and whether they are constantly positioning themselves as a victim to avoid accountability.


Detecting a covert narcissist can be difficult because of their ability to hide their true intentions and manipulate those around them. By understanding the telltale signs of covert narcissism, you can protect yourself from their toxic behavior and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships.

Remember to trust your instincts and seek support from trusted friends and professionals if you suspect that someone in your life may be exhibiting covert narcissistic tendencies. Your emotional health is important, and setting boundaries with toxic people is crucial to your mental health.

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