How to Recover from Narcissistic Abuse

Recovering from narcissistic abuse can be difficult and stressful. Although it may take time, recovery is possible through some of these methods.

Narcissistic abuse is psychological and emotional abuse associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). People with BPD may display behavior that is considered selfish and can reflect a need for appreciation or attention.

Signs of this type of abuse may include gaslighting. Gaslighting involves denying that an event occurred and questioning a person’s memory. It can also mean controlling another person, sometimes due to feelings of insecurity or jealousy.

If you have recently ended a relationship with someone who exhibits these behaviors, you may be going through a recovery process and dealing with a lot of hurt and emotions.

Any form of abuse can be traumatic. In addition, narcissistic abuse may make you wonder if you are to blame for what happened. This can be part of the narcissistic abuse cycle.

If you want to get out of an abusive relationship, know that recovery is possible. Although your experiences may be painful, you can get through it.

Ways to recover from narcissistic abuse

Recovering from abuse-related trauma can be difficult, but it is possible. Here are some tips on how to heal from narcissistic abuse.

Classification of abuse

The first step in the healing process can be to acknowledge that abuse occurred and that it affected your life, says David Tzel, a licensed psychologist in New York. Identifying and accepting what happened can help you understand your experiences and emotions.

Sometimes, abuse from a narcissist can be subtle. You might even wonder if this is abuse at all. As painful as it may be, accepting it and labeling it means you are dealing with it head on.

Use exercise to help heal your mind

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, you can heal your mind through your body.

Trauma can live in your body and mind. Participating in physical activity, such as boxing or yoga, can help relieve trauma stored in your body, Tsal says.

Try to find a physical outlet that helps you release your emotions. Make sure it’s something you enjoy doing. If you force yourself to do something you don’t feel comfortable with, it can be destructive rather than healing.

Reach out to old friends, family or support system
Don’t be afraid to reconnect with anyone you may have become isolated from while in an abusive relationship with a narcissist, Tsal says. Reconnecting shows that you are brave and willing to receive help.

In addition to reconnecting with your support system, you can consider reaching out to a support group. Getting the support of other survivors who have gone through a similar journey can help in the healing process.

Professional help to recover from narcissistic abuse

The road to recovery from narcissistic abuse can be difficult.

The trauma you experienced may be too complex for you to resolve on your own. A mental health professional can help you process your feelings and help you recover from the abuse you experienced.

According to a 2020 study, some types of therapy may help relieve stress and vulnerability and help you recover from abuse. These include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): Talk therapy that helps change negative thought patterns
Trauma-focused therapy (CBT): Treating children and adolescents affected by trauma
Integrative therapies: Options such as motivational interviewing can support recovery by enhancing motivation
Psychologically directed interventions: Therapies such as art and music therapy use self-expression to help heal trauma
Humanistic therapies: Supportive counseling and non-directive therapy can help people in recovery feel more understood
Your therapist can provide guidance and help you heal. If you would like support as you begin the road to recovery, consider reaching out to a mental health professional today.

What does narcissistic abuse look like?

Narcissists portray a sense of confidence as they try to maintain a sense of control over you. They may use different methods to do this, such as:

Mind manipulation
Emotional abuse
He lies
Lacks empathy
Financial abuse
Using superior behavior
Ignore your limits
Using manipulation
Playing the victim
Narcissistic abuse is not limited to romantic relationships. It can also occur with:

Other family members
Long-term effects of narcissistic abuse
Narcissistic abuse can lead to many long-term psychological effects that may range from mild to severe. Some potential long-term effects include:

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Feelings of unworthiness
low self-esteem
Mood Swings
Sensitivity to criticism
Self-destructive behaviors
Racing thoughts
Difficulty sleeping
Tend to people please
Trust issues
Separation from others
How to support someone recovering from narcissistic abuse
Often, those recovering from narcissistic abuse need support. Here are some ways you can help a friend or family member who is recovering.


Tsal says one of the best ways to support someone recovering from narcissistic abuse is to simply be there for them. Try not to make them feel judged or blame them for staying in the relationship.

Tsal explains that a person recovering from narcissistic abuse will likely have trust issues. Try to be their safe haven, and provide them with a place they can go to feel safe and secure.

Listen to them

Another way to help someone recover from a frustrating relationship is to listen to them. They have experienced trauma, and what they need is someone who will listen to them with compassion and love.

Be their shoulder to cry on as you lend a non-judgmental listening ear. Your support can be a guiding light to help them recover.

It is important to acknowledge the experiences and feelings of the person you are supporting. If they mention thoughts of self-harm, it’s important to take it seriously rather than ignore it.