How To Leave A Toxic Relationship When You’re Still In Love

If you’re in a toxic relationship, please know that you’re not the only one — and you won’t be the last, unfortunately.

A relationship should make you feel safe, respected, happy, and cared for. On the other hand, a toxic relationship makes you feel insecure, drained, and drained as if anything you do isn’t good enough.

No one deserves to be in a relationship where nothing is good enough for the other. What makes this especially difficult is that you still love this person despite how terrible they may feel at times.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could control our feelings towards others? I know I wanted to control my emotions in different relationships.

But imagine how boring life would be if you had that ability. You will not grow or experience the things that shape who you are today. That’s why you deserve to be free from this toxic relationship you’re in. To be free and to be with someone who appreciates and appreciates her.

Related: 10 Smart Ways To Avoid Toxic, One-Sided Relationships

It is important to emphasize the concept of reciprocity. If you’re the only one who gives and never takes, it’s a one-sided relationship and it’s not fair to you. It’s hard to see a toxic relationship because sometimes love is blind.

It won’t be easy and it won’t heal overnight. You will feel pain and hurt. You may feel guilty. Don’t let it consume you to the point of going back to someone who you fully realize is of no use to you in your life. But listen beauty, the sun will shine again soon.

If you’re ready to leave someone you love because you know it’s toxic for both of you, read on for some suggestions and tips on how to leave a toxic relationship, especially when you still love your ex. It will be hard, and some days will be better than others, but the pain is temporary.

Here is a list of suggestions and tips on how to leave someone you love that is toxic and unhealthy for you and your life:

  1. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.
    You don’t have to justify your decision to leave to anyone. Just remember that you know it is an unhealthy and toxic relationship that will never be good for you.
  2. Know that you deserve better.

Remind yourself every day that you deserve the best and that sometimes love just isn’t enough when you don’t get your needs met in a relationship.

  1. Accept that they won’t change.

It’s been a long time and your partner hasn’t changed. So what makes you think they will change after months or years? Do you want to wait and see when you will most likely end up disappointed?

You are better than that and your partner should know that by now.

  1. Know and accept that it will hurt and that you will feel hurt and sad.

Make sure you are fully aware of this fact. It is a loss and you need to grieve to begin the healing process. If you remain aware of the possibility that it will get worse before it gets better, you will undoubtedly have the strength to get through it.

  1. Cut off all contact with the other.

You will not be able to fully grieve and heal with a toxic person with a short phone call or text message. It will be difficult. But realize that the pain you feel is temporary, and if it stays, the pain will likely be permanent.

Related: 8 Types Of Toxic Relationships To Cut Out Of Your Life Now

  1. Find out why this toxic person is in your life and what lessons you have learned.

What did you give up in the relationship that you would refuse in the future? What are you willing to compromise in a relationship? Find the lesson in the pain and your healing will begin.

  1. Know that it’s okay to still love someone from a distance.

You can care for them whether they are currently in your life or not. But still, remember why they are not currently in your life and what prompted you to end the relationship.

  1. Accept the fact that you cannot control your partner’s actions or behaviors.

The only thing you can control is how you act, act, and respond to others. You will never change your partner and he will not change if he is not yet showing signs of improvement.

  1. Realize that it may seem as if leaving would be just as bad as if you stayed.

To fight this feeling, make sure to live in the present and not the past. It’s easy to take a trip down memory lane and remember all the good times. But if you stay present, you will remain aware of all the reasons why you should not stay.

You can leave the person you love because they are toxic. This does not mean that you abandon them or do not love them.

This means that you take a stand for what you want and deserve in life. This means being with someone who brings out the best in you and supports your aspirations and dreams. This means that you are not willing to accept anything but the best.

love is blind. It distorts our perceptions of what’s going on with what we want. We also don’t want to believe that someone can be unhealthy and toxic to us.

The thought alone brings tears to your eyes. Once again, I promise you that the sun will come out again and you will notice that it shines brighter than ever before. It may not be tomorrow or the next day, but it will show up, and when it does, you will understand that you did what you had to do to live life for yourself.