How To Know If An Undiagnosed Personality Disorder Is Ruining Your Relationship

Relationships are a tough business. People are always trying to find out the “secret” to make their relationship perfect or last forever. With two personalities trying to bond together, it can be difficult to reconcile and find a happy medium.

Although you may experience fighting, disagreements, distrust, or other unexpected issues that sometimes come with having a significant other, as evidenced by endless relationship advice on the Internet, there may be more to it than you think.

Granted, these types of issues arise in all relationships, but there may be something deeper going on than just having different opinions about which Netflix show is better. Your personalities are different, but there may be an underlying personality disorder that could make things worse.

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Personality disorders are real, and you may not even know you have them. The distress you may feel due to destructive relationships or those that seem rickety can be alleviated by a better understanding of what is going on inside your mind.

Is OCD ruining your relationship? Here are the different types of personality disorders and how they can harm your relationship.

  1. Paranoid personality disorder

In general, paranoid personality disorder causes people to constantly believe that others are trying to harm or threaten them. People with this type of disorder usually find it difficult to trust people (even their friends) and believe that people are trying to take advantage of, deceive, or deceive them. They may also believe that there is danger or threat in everyday interactions with their friends and family.

If you have paranoid personality disorder, you may find it difficult to trust your partner even when there is no reason not to. From their perspective, it may seem that you are overly controlling or that you are picking fights when there aren’t any. Maybe you often accuse them of cheating or constantly ask them where they are when you’re not together.

Take a second to step back and really see whether or not your partner has done something to break your trust or if it seems to be stemming from your own thoughts.

  1. Schizotypal personality disorder

People with schizotypal personality disorder tend to avoid interacting with others and often lack the ability to show or feel many emotions. They seem isolated and often dismissive of what others feel.

If you have this, you usually prefer to be alone and don’t seem to get many pleasures in life, can become emotionally cold towards people close to you, and don’t seem interested in anyone else. A kind of intimacy. You may also believe that relationships interfere with your freedom and happiness.

Although, surprisingly, you’re in a relationship in the first place, it happens. You may find that your partner is not satisfied with the love and attention you give him. From their perspective, you may not be as invested in them as you need to be if they can even get you to spend time with them at all.

In this case, try to consider your partner’s emotional needs more closely and make some sacrifices to meet them if you want to stay together.

  1. Antisocial personality disorder

People with this disorder show a lack of understanding of right and wrong and lack empathy for the feelings of others.

If you suffer from this, you may tend to put yourself in dangerous or dangerous situations, get involved in illegal activity, act recklessly, or feel excessively bored most of the time. You may do things to get what you want even if it hurts others, and you have no feelings of guilt.

If you recognize some of these characteristics in yourself, there’s a good chance you’re not taking into account your partner’s feelings or emotions as much as you need to (to maintain your relationship). Maybe you’re only thinking about yourself instead of thinking about what they want from the relationship.

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  1. Borderline personality disorder

People with borderline personality disorder experience persistent instability in their mood, self-image, and behavior. This leads to unstable relationships and rash actions. If you suffer from this, you may have feelings that are particularly intense and change frequently, you may feel like you don’t know who you are and find it difficult to maintain stable relationships.

You may have experienced self-harming behavior because of feelings of loneliness, paranoia, or anger. If you have this personality disorder, you may seem clingy or overly dramatic with your partner. You may find yourself putting pressure on your partner because of your anger or stress and making them feel emotionally drained because of your radically different moods.

  1. Narcissistic personality disorder

People with narcissistic personality disorder are often viewed as conceited and arrogant. They often seem to dominate conversations, look down on others, and become angry and impatient easily.

If you have this, you may think you’re better than everyone else, feel angry or sad if you’re ignored, or blatantly put your own needs before anyone else’s.

If you suffer from this disorder, you probably forget to think about your partner. You may be shifting the entire relationship to be just for you and your own needs instead of thinking about what will be beneficial for your partner.

  1. Dependent personality disorder

People with dependent personality disorder tend to cling to others and are unable to make decisions without the guidance or reassurance of others. If you have this disorder, you may feel needy or have low self-esteem. You may also see others as better than you, act passively or submissively, and even approve of others’ decisions when it’s not your own.

In this case, you may find that your partner feels suffocated because of you. You may be giving them so much attention that they will withdraw and become distant. They may feel like they have to control too much of your life, making you seem more of a burden than a partner.

Take a good look at your personality and the things you feel. Could your relationship be suffering from one of these personality disorders?

If you feel like your relationships have been ruined by your personality disorder, or if you haven’t been diagnosed yet and you think your feelings may be to the extreme in one way or another, you must talk with a professional so you can get the help and advice you need to improve your relationships and feel more fulfilled. stability.

Personality disorders are nothing to be ashamed of. It’s much more common than many of us may realize, but it’s important to get help as you go so you can be happier and healthier.

Related: 5 Little Signs You (Or Someone You Love) Has A Personality Disorder