How To Find A Soulmate And Restore Your Faith In ‘True Love’

Have you delved too deeply into your past relationships and wondered, How can you restore your faith in true love and relationships? Here are 5 ways to fall in love again.

Everyone at some point in their life has had bad relationships, which have destroyed their faith in true love. Abusive partners and the wrong type of relationship can not only affect you mentally but also cause you to close your heart to the possibility of true love.

The person who hurt you does not deserve you nor is your true love. What if your true love and soulmate are waiting around the corner? Isn’t true love all about taking that leap of faith?

“Love can cost a lot but not love always costs more, and those who fear love often find the need for love the emptiness that takes away joy from life.” – Merle Shine

If you’ve given up on looking for love and feel like there’s no one out there for you, you’re not alone.

A poll showed that 12 percent of people (mostly women and some in relationships) don’t think they’ll ever fall in love. If this is your belief, your reality will likely match this expectation.

But that doesn’t have to be your reality. You can consciously change your attitude, change your attitude, and learn to find love. You can let go of the fear of getting hurt and stop spinning useless stories that hold you back.

Related: 5 Sweet Things You Can Say To Your Girlfriend To Prove Your Love

5 suggestions that will help restore your faith in true love.

  1. Celebrate yourself and build your confidence.
    Attempts to find love are often accompanied by thoughts or projections about who you think someone will love, rather than being your authentic self. You are loved. You have many natural qualities.

Can you see it yourself? Write a list of your positive qualities. If you’re not sure, ask friends or family what they like about you. Practice enjoying yourself. By doing this, you build self-confidence which is very attractive to others.

  1. Adopt a pet to understand unconditional love.
    Whether you adopt a dog, cat, or parrot, these creatures teach lessons about unconditional love. They accept you for who you are and seek your attention – your love – whether you’re feeling fat, broken, tired, or something else.

“Our ideal companions are at least four feet tall.”

  • Colette
    They show you how to be present and content in every moment, no matter what. They reveal true love in a way that primes your brain to trigger “feel good” responses, which leads to a deeper awareness of love. They point you to the real (human) thing.
  1. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable.
    Release all struggle. Surrendering to the flow of life brings you in line with the natural laws of nature and connects you with divine love.

When you get stuck in self-limiting beliefs, you become filled with tension that prevents you from receiving — or seeing — the love that is so easily accessible. Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and qigong are all useful strategies for opening you to the true essence and energies of true love.

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  1. Find a new hobby.
    Many of those surveyed complained that they never met anyone new in their social circles. Why not expand those circles? Try a new sport, a new craft, or take an art or language class. Do something you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t make time for. Make it a priority.

“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”

You will benefit from learning something new and connecting with someone who has a similar interest in the process. This is what we call winning.

  1. Change your negative self-talk.
    Recently, a young man posted 10 lines on Facebook chanting, “I will never find love.” It reinforces a belief that influences his behavior and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It releases negative “feelings” that contribute to being unwanted.

“Loving yourself starts with liking yourself, which starts with respecting yourself, which starts with thinking about yourself in positive ways.”

Notice your self-talk and if it’s self-critical, it’s time to change it. If an FB guy had said, “I’m going to find love,” he’d feel — and act — completely differently. Imagine your perfect mate coming toward you; Hold on to that vision and it will happen.

One final tip: Don’t set a time frame for contacting each other. The more you get rid of all restrictions, the easier the magic will become.

Related: 10 Signs You Are In a Fantasy Relationship and Not A Real One

Trust the process, and most of all, see it as an adventure and be happy throughout the experience. But be warned: You may find yourself facing new challenges as you become a love magnet.

Many may scoff at the concept of true love and finding a soul mate, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Everyone deserves to be happy and have someone special in their life. After all, love makes the world go round, and life without it would be colorless. So what are you waiting for? Feel free to fall in love, try these 5 ways to find your soulmate and live happily ever after.