Letting them go is not always an easy task, it doesn’t let the person who doesn’t love you back but it also lets hope go. Unrequited love can be the worst feeling of all, longing can tear you apart. Realizing that they will never feel the same way can be the first step to moving through this and working through your feelings.
“My dear Cupid, next time we hit both.”
Recently a reader sent in a question about love:
“How do you deal with someone you still love but they don’t love you back?”
The simple answer is: you don’t. But this would oversimplify the problem and not give real answers. I would also avoid the question below, which is:
How to change someone’s mind about not loving you?
As part of my upcoming Reconnection Formula, I cover how to give yourself another chance at love with your ex. At Manifest True Love, I teach the secrets to magnetic, irresistible livability. With My Love Magnet Meditation, you can reprogram your subconscious mind so that attracting love becomes much easier and faster.
I’m not saying all that to share my product catalog with you. I say that because, in all of those shows, there is no way to force anyone to love you back.
You can give yourself the best shot ever. You can stop doing all the things that got them away in the first place. And re-ignite their attraction to you. And you can make yourself a completely irresistible person.
This is usually more than enough. In fact, a lot of people have found that once they really start doing these things, they get a lot of love from the people they totally gave up on. But you can’t teach a dog to meow or a cat to bark.
That’s because romantic love – by its very nature – thrives without coercion. That is why it is time to look to the future.
Do you want to be stuck in this situation in 5 years, wondering what to do about that person not loving you back?
no? I do not wish. Me too.
This is why it’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start the messy process of falling out of love.
Read : The Invisible Thread Between Two People Who Are Meant to Be Together
- Put rejection into perspective and accept it.
The first step to getting out of love is to put that rejection into perspective.
That’s one person out of many billion who doesn’t like your flavor.
Maybe just now. Maybe forever.
But the reason it hurts to love someone who doesn’t love you is because you don’t use reality as your guide. You want them to want something they don’t want. Which is a way to make you feel bad about your love. And to truly love someone is to truly allow them to be themselves.
You can love them even though they don’t love you. And when you’re proud of them for teaching you love, even though they won’t change, something magical starts to happen.
You start to get out of being stuck in your feelings for them. Now you can shift your reality from “It’s over for me because I can’t change this person I love” (grab the violin) to “Thank God.”
thanks God. Now you know they don’t like you. certainly. No need to turn around and wonder and wait. You have a clear answer. And that’s more than many people get.
- Leave the person who doesn’t love you alone.
The next step to falling in love with someone who doesn’t love you is to leave them alone anyway.
If this person who doesn’t love you is someone like the ex you have to see for kids, avoid dealing with them as much as possible. Falling out of love is a lot like going cold turkey with quitting cigarettes. But the process cannot begin while you are still trying to change their minds. So you have to give up. leave it. Accept them exactly as they are, in this moment. This is really loving them, and loving yourself at the same time.
Read : 6 Signs of Infatuation That We Often Confuse With Love
- Distract yourself.
The third step on how to get rid of love is to distract yourself so that your mind has time to overcome and catch up with it.
You get a hobby, you get ahead, you meet new people, and otherwise thrive. A new love appears. Business. And in the end, you will no longer think about this person.
be seen? There are only three steps to dealing with someone you love who doesn’t love you. First, accept it completely. Second, avoid them completely. Third, distract yourself.
you can do that.