How to Diagnose Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by an excessive sense of self-worth and a lack of empathy for others. Many people with this disorder suffer from low self-esteem, but they hide it behind their inflated egos. You may be able to identify many of the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder on your own, although it can be difficult to distinguish this condition from other personality disorders. If you think you or someone you know has narcissistic personality disorder, it’s best to see a professional for diagnosis and treatment.

Find the ultimate self-importance. People with narcissistic personality disorder think highly of themselves in ways that are beyond the limits of normal self-confidence. If you suspect someone you know may be suffering from this disorder, pay attention to how that person seems to think of themselves and whether these feelings are rooted in reality.

A person may have obsessive fantasies about his own greatness.
The person may lie or exaggerate accomplishments to appear more accomplished.
A person may believe that they are superior to others, even if there are no facts or achievements to support this.

The person may also assume that others are jealous of this superiority, and may display extreme jealousy when others experience success.

Watch maturity. Because people with narcissistic personality disorder tend to believe that they are superior to others, they also tend to believe that they deserve the best out of everything. Pay attention to whether the person thinks they deserve special treatment for no apparent reason.
The person may also believe that they deserve to be in the company of other “elite” people.
The person may also make repeated demands and expect others to respond without question.

Notice the need for likes. Many people with narcissistic personality disorder are very needy. They feel the need to be constantly recognized and praised for their superiority.
You may notice that the person is constantly referring to accomplishments.
The person may also fish for compliments.

Notice hypercritical tendencies. People with narcissistic personality disorder may seem very critical of everyone around them. They often insult or criticize people they come into contact with, whether that person is a waiter in a restaurant or the person’s doctor.
The person may criticize even competent people, especially if they disagree with or challenge the person.

Monitor interactions with others. People with narcissistic personality disorder do not interact with others in a normal way, so pay close attention to the person’s behavior in social situations. The person may often appear arrogant and lack empathy.
The person may repeatedly manipulate or exploit others for personal benefit.
The person may seem completely oblivious to the needs and feelings of others.

Note the reactions to the criticism. People with narcissistic personality disorder do not handle criticism well because it challenges their feelings of superiority. Notice if the person reacts extremely to even the slightest criticism.

A person may criticize people who criticize.

Alternatively, the person may become very depressed when faced with criticism.
For some people, this may extend to an inability to handle anything that might be seen as a challenge, even something as simple as a different opinion.