How To Deal With Difficult People Who Make Your Life A Living HELL

Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay at our best, we must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy, and who describes it? Hard people can attract energy directly from you. To successfully learn how to deal with difficult people, it should be systematic.

Your position is important. I would like to look at people as a display, and spiritual teachers who aim to wake us, although they do not realize their role. But no one said that the awakening is always enjoyable or easy. The most difficult people do not try to harm you; It is just unconscious or self-absorbent. A very small few are dark or driven by evil motives.

The tone of your voice is also important. A critical tone just explodes people. To get the attention of chronic speakers or those who are screaming, it helps to open your notes by saying their names with love. Hearing a person’s name loudly causes us to stop. Remember, we all can be difficult at times. Let this discreet fact curb your enthusiasm for the punishment of deficiencies in others in the word or tone.

Do your best to not distort people, even when they are hateful or uncommon. I realize that with anger, guilt, or other types of difficulty people are unsafe, wounded, and separated from their hearts. Your challenge with bad behavior is to maintain your strength and priorities with clear boundaries, regardless of the inconvenience, negative, or full of themselves.

From my book, The Euphoria of surrender, here is how to deal with difficult people by learning how to discover yourself from the vampires of energy and protection, and finally give yourself the happiness that you deserve:

  1. The Queen of Drama

They are Sarah Bernhards of blood vampires (although they can be male or female). They have a breath to exaggerate small accidents and turn them into a drama outside the plans. Life for them is always extreme, either good or unbearable. They spend life moving from the crisis to the crisis, which is activated by chaos. The prisoners are the middle name. The strange place in the legendary compound of the queen of the drama can put you on excessive load, and your hand.

Self-defense tips: It will judge the boundaries of the emotional splendor of the Quoyn. These plasters do not get the number of kilometers of balance. They only win if they succeed in Gangk.

To keep your shower, the moment you feel the queen of drama that wanders, take a slow and deep breath to focus yourself. Then continue to focus on your breath. Let your breath release tension and your land. This will prevent you from falling into the drama of Queen Steak.

  1. The negative aggressive person

These types of characters express anger with an exaggerated smile or anxiety, but they always maintain their calm. They are experts in cooked hostility. They often use angry delays or excuses for “I forgot” to avoid obligations. They do not give straight answers. These people are angry because of their innocent or tempting scales. They seem to be keen to please, but they know exactly how to make you angry.

Self-defense tips: If their mixed message is confused or confident in your intuition. Treating behavior face to face: “I cannot bring me ice cream when you know that I am trying to follow a diet.” To be specific to negative enemy people wearing them. Leave the idea that you can change it.

Powerful blood vampires often developed this behavior in response to childhood as the expression of real anger was insecure. The sabotage of others is a way to feel controlled.

  1. Narcissism

These vampires have an enlarged feeling of subjective importance, merit, interest, and endless praise. Some narcissists are abhorrent rulings, but others are charming, smart, and elaborate. If you need or are weak, they like your white knight to save today.

Narcissists know how to play you like a violin so that it becomes exciting with them. However, as soon as you like or dare to disagree, they turn you by becoming a phrase, punishment, control, or negative aggression.

Self-defense tips: Because it can control love and strengthen love, do not deceive yourself into thinking that you can get narcissistic to take care of yourself. Keep your realistic expectations. Do not make your value depend on them, and do not share your deepest feelings with them; Their reaction will only be disappointment. Complaints or anger will not work with narcissism. Instead, hit the ego and show how your requests meet their interest.

  1. Determination

The vampire resembles this house that requires endless repairs. There are two types to pay attention to: the first makes you in its processor (or treat), and in all hours he called for a desperate to fix its problems. As a friend, she wants compliance, but her languages ​​are endless, and they have their authoritarian needs and take you to all the energy she deserves.

A second type of installer is the person who sees it needs a comprehensive repair and takes it (or it) as a project. This vampire is very attractive because it does not put enough battle for your two to try to fix it, but it is not concerned with change.

Self-defense tips: If you are vulnerable to the fixed, try to understand what the ropes do not repeat this style. Ask yourself: Do I have motives for the desire to be loved? To feel the desire? To control? Sins? Inability to say “no”?

When one of the installations appears, start setting the basic rules of how they interact with them by providing emotional support without compulsory solutions. If you are fixed, many of them will be bent from contact; Others will be pushed to rely more on their internal wisdom, or a suitable health care specialist.

  1. Triple guilt

These types are global games, martyrs, and drama queens. They know how to make you feel bad about something by pressing the insecurity buttons.