What’s worse than being hated? Well, it turns out that being ignored is a lot worse than if someone doesn’t like you at all.
Often times in life, you may be overlooked. When this happens, it is sometimes considered abuse. You can even be ignored by the people closest to you, and that’s when it really hurts. When someone ignores you, you may feel as if you are invisible to them, and if you don’t have strong self-esteem, this feeling is incredibly painful. But not all hope is lost.
What can you do about ignoring?
There are some people who are not affected by the silent treatment, and they usually have strong personalities. Yes, there are people who are incredibly resilient and don’t care much if they’re ignored, at least for the most part.
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But this is not the common case. Most often, people cannot handle feeling neglected or humiliated in this way. And if a certain situation arises, even those powerful people I mentioned earlier can feel hurt. So, for those who can’t handle emotional hurt, here’s what to do when someone is ignoring you:
- Be sure/don’t assume
There’s always a possibility that you won’t be ignored, and if that’s true, you should definitely find out. Don’t just react to what you think. Only react to what you know. If you are brave enough, just ask the person in question if they are ignoring you.
It could all be just a misunderstanding, and then you can stop thinking about something that was formed in your imagination.
- Track your interactions
Maybe you offended someone, and you don’t know it. Not everyone tells people when they’re offended, and I’m not entirely sure why. There are likely different reasons why people do not acknowledge the insult, and these reasons have deep roots.
So, if you think you may have been offended by someone who is ignoring you, retrace your past steps in their presence. Think about the things you talked about together and see if there are any negative feelings. If you can’t think of anything, again, approach them and just ask.
- Set boundaries with your loved ones
Unfortunately, your family and loved ones ignore you sometimes more than others. If you are being ignored by these important people in your life, it may be time to set some boundaries. Their actions hurt you, but you keep communicating with them.
It’s time to let them know that if they keep ignoring you, for example, by being on their phone during a lunch date, you’re changing things up. You may want to tell them that you would rather eat lunch alone than fight their phone for attention.
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Setting boundaries may make them angry at first, but there’s a better chance of improving your relationships if you’re honest about what you won’t tolerate.
- Don’t try to do it too hard
Instead of constantly trying to get someone’s attention when you’re being ignored, do something else. I don’t necessarily mean ignoring them again, but don’t put your energy into begging for them to be in your life. If they choose to ignore you, allow them to.
Show that their silent treatment isn’t working (just in case it’s a manipulative tactic). Most of the time, when you send this message, they come to you and want to talk again.
- Give more space
Ignoring doesn’t always mean being abusive. In some circumstances, people start ignoring others because they need extra space. If you want to know what to do when someone ignores you, consider this: Maybe you’ve been smothering them for some time, and avoiding them feels like they’re ignoring you.
They may just be trying to make some space for as long as possible before re-engaging in your relationship. To deal with this, hold them and give them the space they need. They will appreciate it, and will be back soon.
- Take care of yourself
If you feel ignored, you may be tempted to let yourself go. Maybe you feel better just sleeping or ignoring everyone in response to one person. Well, it’s not healthy to do any of these things.
First and foremost, make sure you take care of your health, both physically and emotionally. Also, be kind to people, and don’t show your negative feelings toward those who hurt you. You can do this.
- Cut ties if you have to
In the worst case scenario, the person you thought was your friend isn’t really close to you. In such situations, it is sometimes better to cut ties and move on. There’s no point trying to get the attention or impress someone who doesn’t care much about you or spend time with you.
There are a few details that can help you identify such a person. It’s usually very obvious when you try to communicate, they smile and act like nothing is wrong, but they continue to ignore you. It is better to give your attention to those who truly appreciate you.
One of the most hurtful feelings
For some people, being ignored is one of the most painful feelings in life. When you are ignored, you often struggle to maintain your self-esteem. And oftentimes, you can never figure out why they treat you that way – I think that’s the most unfortunate part of all.