When it comes to dating, some guys seem to have all the luck. So, what do these men know about how to be more attractive to women you don’t know?
Women generally like and respect strong men.
While researching my book, one of the biggest complaints I heard from women is that today’s men don’t show initiative and lack determination. They say that men seem oblivious to problems and wait for women to tell them what to do. Even when asked to contribute to something, men will say: “You decide.”
Single women have told me that when they go out for coffee with a man, instead of her taking the initiative and choosing where to go, he wants her to choose. When they finally get somewhere, he wants her to choose the table.
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To avoid accusations of being controlling, many men have now gone to the opposite extreme by avoiding being assertive altogether. They think they are showing that they are good, non-controlling men and cannot understand why women get frustrated and lose respect for them.
Here’s how to become more attractive to women, and get the girl of your dreams:
- Show leadership
When a man sees a situation that needs to be addressed, he needs to step up and deal with it. Women like men who are willing to step up rather than wait for others to solve a problem.
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- Make decisions
A man needs to make his share of decisions (such as choosing a restaurant and/or table) and take ownership of the outcome, rather than blaming someone else. For many women, a man who avoids being decisive is evading his responsibilities.
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- Take responsibility
Refrain from attacking someone about a situation, and instead, make an effort to improve it.
There is little sympathy for a man who blames a woman for making a bad choice, even when he believes she made him do it. As a man, it is your responsibility to skillfully manage and rescue unfortunate circumstances, as well as strive for ideal circumstances.
Despite these tips, it’s important to get to know your partner so you can know what you want. Ask specific questions based on the suggestions above. You may be surprised by her reaction.
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