How Narcissists Test You

Narcissists are master manipulators, and before they fully reveal their true nature, they often engage in a series of tests to assess your vulnerability. These tests help them determine how much control they can exert over you, how easily they can manipulate you, and whether you will be a suitable source of supply for their ego. Understanding how narcissists test you is essential in recognizing the warning signs early and protecting yourself from their manipulative behavior.

1. Love Bombing

The first test a narcissist often uses is the tactic of love bombing, where they shower you with excessive attention, affection, and praise. This phase is intense and overwhelming. The narcissist may make you feel like the most important person in the world, bombarding you with compliments, gifts, and declarations of love. This test is designed to gauge your reaction to their affection and to see how quickly you become emotionally attached to them.

If you respond positively to the love bombing, the narcissist interprets this as a sign that you are susceptible to their charm and can be easily manipulated. However, if you maintain healthy boundaries and don’t get swept away by the excessive attention, the narcissist may view you as a challenge or may even lose interest, as they are often attracted to people who are easier to control.

2. Boundary Testing

One of the most crucial ways narcissists test you is by pushing your boundaries. Early in the relationship, they may engage in small acts that violate your personal limits to see how you react. This could include showing up unannounced, making inappropriate jokes, or pressuring you into doing things you’re uncomfortable with. These initial tests are often subtle, designed to assess how firm you are in maintaining your boundaries.

If you allow the narcissist to overstep your boundaries without confronting them, they see it as permission to continue pushing the limits. Over time, the boundary violations escalate, and before you know it, you may find yourself tolerating behavior that would have been unacceptable in the beginning. Narcissists rely on this gradual erosion of boundaries to gain control over their victims.

3. Triangulation

Triangulation is a common tactic narcissists use to test your loyalty and create a sense of competition. This involves bringing a third party into the relationship dynamic, either overtly or covertly. The narcissist may talk about an ex-partner, a close friend, or even a co-worker in a way that makes you feel insecure or jealous. By doing this, they gauge how much you value their approval and how far you’re willing to go to “win” their affection.

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If you respond by becoming anxious or competitive, the narcissist sees this as confirmation that they can manipulate your emotions through jealousy. They may use triangulation to pit people against each other, creating drama and instability in their relationships. The goal is to keep you on edge, always seeking their validation and trying to prove your worth to them.

4. Emotional Neglect and Withdrawal

After the initial love bombing phase, narcissists may test you by abruptly withdrawing their affection and attention. This test serves two purposes: to see how you react to the sudden change and to create a power dynamic in which they control your emotional state. The withdrawal may come in the form of ignoring your calls or texts, being distant, or giving you the silent treatment.

If you become desperate for their attention and try to win them back, the narcissist knows they have you hooked. Your emotional dependency on their approval makes you more susceptible to future manipulation. On the other hand, if you don’t chase after them and maintain your self-worth, the narcissist may see you as a less desirable target, as they thrive on emotional control.

5. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a psychological manipulation tactic where the narcissist tries to make you question your perception of reality. Early on, they may test you by denying things they’ve said or done, even when you clearly remember them. For example, they might claim they never made a promise or insist they didn’t say something hurtful, even if they did.

By testing how easily you can be gaslit, narcissists determine whether they can manipulate your perception of reality. If you begin to doubt yourself and second-guess your memory or instincts, the narcissist knows they can control the narrative and use gaslighting as a tool to maintain power over you. Over time, this tactic can erode your confidence and make you reliant on the narcissist’s version of events.

6. Probing for Vulnerabilities

Narcissists are experts at identifying and exploiting your emotional vulnerabilities. During the early stages of a relationship, they will often ask probing questions to learn about your past traumas, insecurities, and fears. They may appear empathetic or interested in understanding your emotional landscape, but their real goal is to gather information they can use against you later.

Once they know what makes you feel vulnerable, they will test how you react when those insecurities are triggered. For example, if you’ve shared that you fear abandonment, the narcissist may subtly threaten to leave you or imply that you’re not good enough for them. By pushing these emotional buttons, they can manipulate you into doing what they want to avoid feeling insecure or rejected.

7. Creating Chaos and Drama

Narcissists often thrive on chaos and drama, and they may test your tolerance for these behaviors by intentionally creating conflict or confusion. They might start arguments over trivial matters, make ambiguous or contradictory statements, or create misunderstandings to keep you on edge. This testing phase helps them see whether you will tolerate their erratic behavior and how easily they can destabilize your emotions.

If you respond to the chaos by trying to smooth things over or avoid conflict, the narcissist knows they can continue creating drama to control you. Your willingness to engage in their mind games gives them the upper hand, as they enjoy the power they hold in stirring emotional reactions from others.

8. Testing Empathy

Narcissists often test your capacity for empathy to see how much emotional labor they can extract from you. They may present themselves as victims, sharing sob stories or talking about how they’ve been mistreated by others. This serves two purposes: it elicits your sympathy, and it helps the narcissist assess how far you’ll go to support them emotionally.

If you respond by being overly empathetic and accommodating, the narcissist knows they can rely on you to meet their emotional needs without reciprocation. They will likely continue to play the victim, drawing you into a cycle where you constantly try to “fix” or comfort them, all while ignoring your own needs.


Narcissists test people in various ways to gauge their level of control and determine whether someone will make a good target for manipulation. These tests, from love bombing and boundary pushing to gaslighting and emotional withdrawal, are all designed to see how much power they can wield over you. Recognizing these behaviors early on can help you protect yourself from falling into the narcissist’s web. Setting firm boundaries, trusting your instincts, and maintaining a strong sense of self-worth are key defenses against their manipulative tactics.

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