How Modern Dating Is Killing Real Love

There are no shortcuts when it comes to finding true love. If you want to experience true love in your life, you will have to wait patiently, because love knocks on your door when you least expect it. When it does eventually happen, you will have to nurture it with a lot of time, care, and patience.

However, when it comes to modern dating, people get caught up in swiping left and right on dating apps, hoping to find ‘the one’. This never works, most of the time.

In this modern dating culture, I don’t understand what love is anymore.
Maybe love is as easy as swiping your screen left or right and going on a date with someone you met on Tinder. Sometimes love is about getting a person’s first chemistry based on their profile pictures, followers, and things they post on social media. Other times, love is about stalking their profile just to find out who they are, even before your first date.

Love is about guessing his or her personality by seeing the mutual friends you have in common.

“Unfortunately, we have become a generation content with falling in love that is not true.” – Rh sin

Love is waiting for your phone to ring and wondering when you will receive his text messages. It’s about wondering why they haven’t seen your Instagram story or liked your latest selfie. Love is about reading their text messages right away, but you’ll take another hour to reply, just to make them understand that you’re so hard to get. It is about making them wonder if you are interested in them or vice versa by guessing how long you reply to their text messages.

Related: Secrets to Finding True Love: 10 Things You Should Know

Love is about guessing feelings with the latest status updates and tweets.

If you’re in a relationship, maybe love is about trying to find the right angle for you and your boyfriend for the photo you’ll post with #relationshipgoals as the caption. Love is about saving money for that next travel trip with your girlfriend to use as content for your Instagram feed.

It’s about doing each of the activities on your to-do list with your partner to make your YouTube vlog more interesting than its predecessors. Love is about sharing your Saturday night with him through a series of Instagram stories.

Maybe love is about Netflix and chilling out or it’s about reading countless self-help articles about the signs if he still likes you. Love is changing your relationship status on Facebook. Love is about throwing a garden wedding where everyone can take some great Instagram photos to post on their social media.

In this modern dating culture, love is about having a “screen connection,” not the real connection.
When we talk about love in this modern world of dating, it is no longer about one’s deep feelings of affection for someone. In this digital age, love is all about speed. In this day and age, it’s about being quick to get their text messages, answering their calls, and getting acknowledgment from the world that you’ve found the one.

“We live in a world where people are afraid to feel anything real, or at least afraid to show it.” – Melissa Mueller

Related: What Is Platonic Love? 4 Aspects of A Platonic Relationship

Love is no longer a private, intimate feeling, but more about the urgent need to show it to the world.

In this modern world of dating, the true meaning of love fades away. We start to forget that love is about building a real, deep connection with someone through face-to-face interaction. It’s about having a non-stop deep conversation over dinner with him or her without even wanting to check your phone.

Love is about understanding each other’s feelings through direct body language without over-analyzing those text messages he/she sent.

As cliché as it sounds, in this modern world of dating, love still shows. It’s about making the effort to meet them halfway. It’s about the closure and intimacy you get after interacting directly with someone. In this digital age, love has nothing to do with our phone screens.

Our internet connection may be part of our intimacy, but it’s not the main thing we need to be able to build a deep connection with someone.

We are the generation: who wants everything to be instant and fast, while love requires patience and time; who exalts recognition from others, while love is to be sufficient for one another only; Who believes that love is defined by society’s standards, while true love has a different meaning for each one of us. We are the generation looking for true love, but we are also the ones who have lost it.

“It’s very easy to confuse physical attraction with real connection.” – Josh Hartnett

In this modern world of dating, love begins to lose its true meaning.

If love was so easy to find, it wouldn’t be priceless. Moreover, not everyone is fortunate enough to experience true love, as modern dating makes the situation worse. While there’s nothing wrong with dating, it’s the way it’s done that creates a problem.