How Does a Narcissist Handle Rejection and No Contact?

Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an increased sense of self-importance and grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. These traits can have a significant impact on the quality of relationships in a narcissist’s life, leading to difficulties with intimacy and building trust.

The experience of rejection can be particularly devastating for narcissists, as it reinforces their negative self-image and leads to feelings of betrayal or abandonment.

Despite their tendency to appear arrogant and entitled, narcissists’ egos are actually very fragile.

Rejection can be very difficult for them to bear because it brings up all the insecurities they have worked so hard to suppress.

When someone rejects them, they may be overwhelmed by fear and panic that their true nature may be revealed, causing them to act erratically.

In this article, we will explore how a narcissist is likely to deal with rejection and lack of contact.

Understanding No Contact: A Preventive Strategy Against Narcissists

No contact is a powerful strategy often used by individuals who have been through a toxic relationship with a narcissist.

It involves making a conscious decision to cut off all forms of communication and interaction with the narcissist, thus setting clear boundaries for self-protection.

Complete withdrawal

The no contact rule involves completely separating from the narcissist.

This means not only avoiding them physically, but also blocking all digital communication.

This includes social media platforms, emails, text messages and phone calls.

The goal is to eliminate any potential triggers that may lead to emotional distress or manipulation.

Avoid shared spaces

If you share common spaces with the narcissist, such as work, school, or community groups, the no contact rule may require some strategic planning.

This may include changing your routine, avoiding certain locations, or even seeking a transfer to a different department or location if possible.

Indirect communication

Neither contact extends to indirect contact.

This means avoiding asking about the narcissist through mutual contacts or checking on them through outside sources.

The goal is to create a buffer zone that protects you from any form of direct or indirect contact.

Emotional separation

Disconnection is not just about physical or digital disconnection, but also about emotional disengagement.

This includes eliminating any remaining feelings or hopes associated with the narcissist. It may be difficult, but it is a crucial step in healing and moving forward.

Legal considerations

In some cases, any communication may not involve legal actions such as restraining orders or custody agreements.

If the narcissist poses a threat to your safety, it is essential to consult a legal professional to explore your options.

It is important to note that enforcing the no contact rule can be difficult, especially if you are in a long-term relationship with the narcissist.

However, this is often a necessary step toward recovery.

It allows you to regain control of your life, heal from emotional trauma, and build a healthier future.

Remember, it’s not about punishing the narcissist, it’s about protecting yourself.

The #narcissist will deal with rejection and lack of contact with narcissistic rage

When a narcissist faces rejection, he or she is often overwhelmed by an intense, uncontrollable emotion known as narcissistic rage.

This can manifest in various forms such as verbal outbursts, inappropriate anger, hurtful accusations, and passive aggressive behaviors.

Narcissistic anger is driven by fear of abandonment and frustration at not being able to control or manipulate the situation.

The goal of this type of behavior is usually to make the other person feel guilty for not meeting their expectations, and to be intimidated by the narcissist’s reaction.

The narcissist will deal with rejection and lack of contact by feeling ashamed

Beneath the aura of grandiosity and superiority that surrounds the narcissist lies a massive inferiority complex.

When they face rejection, it may feel like their worst nightmare has come true – that people will finally see the truth about their actions and discover the truth about who they really are.

This can trigger a series of emotions such as shame, anger, and fear that can cause them to become defensive in order to protect themselves.

In this case, they may attack in an attempt to regain some control over the situation, although this often has the opposite effect.

The narcissist will deal with rejection and not meeting expectations

Sometimes it is impossible for a narcissist to face the fact that someone has rejected them.

So, to save face, whether in front of themselves or in the eyes of others, they project their feelings onto the other person and convince themselves that they were the ones who did the rejection.

They may even make up stories in an attempt to make their version of events seem more plausible, which of course achieves nothing, except perhaps to soothe their ego.

The #Narcissist will deal with rejection and lack of communication by unleashing flying monkeys

The narcissist will often have a group of “flying monkeys” at their disposal that they can unleash to attack the person who has had the audacity to reject them.

This group of people may consist of family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers who have been fed false information by the narcissist in order to discredit their target.

The flying monkeys spring into action, spreading false rumors or gossip about the target, publicly embarrassing them via social media or other digital platforms, sabotaging the target’s work or relationships, and perhaps even threatening physical harm.

The narcissist will deal with rejection and lack of contact by resorting to self-destructive behaviors

Narcissists can engage in a range of self-destructive behaviors when faced with rejection.

Examples of these behaviors include drinking alcohol and drug use, compulsive spending, gambling, or reckless driving.

In the end, all of these behaviors are attempts by the narcissist to adapt and hide his feelings of shame and insecurity.

They act this way for two reasons.

The first is to self-medicate and forget the feelings of shame they felt when rejected.

The second is to try to blame the person who rejected them, hoping that will change their mind.

It is important to be aware of these behaviors and remember why you are enforcing boundaries by staying away from the narcissist.

How can you protect yourself after being rejected by a narcissist?
Rejecting a narcissist is not easy, and it is necessary to take steps to protect yourself afterwards.

Here are some tips.

Set clear boundaries and maintain them

Setting clear boundaries with a narcissist is crucial to protecting yourself.

When setting boundaries, make sure they are specific and realistic, and state them calmly but firmly.

Once you have established your boundaries, take steps to ensure they are respected by being consistent and being prepared to defend yourself if the narcissist tries to violate those boundaries.

It is important not to hesitate or hesitate when dealing with a narcissist, as this may give them an opportunity to take advantage of you.

Make time for yourself

It’s important to take time for yourself to process your feelings after being rejected by a narcissist.

Allow yourself the opportunity to heal and deal with what happened by giving yourself space and participating in activities that make you feel relaxed and supported.

Consider seeking therapy to address any remaining feelings of fear, trauma, or even guilt. It may also be helpful to reach out to loved ones for support and comfort, as this will help you build resilience in the face of adversity.